Organisation Behaviour

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Organisation Behaviour

Executive Summary

This coursework is based on Organizational Behaviour. This coursework will discuss the different approaches to management and leadership, and mechanisms for developing effective teamwork in organisation. I have selected Tesco Plc. For this coursework. Leadership and management are two different things and they can be considered as two sides of the same coin. However, these two elements are one way or another linked with each other because without good leadership, management cannot improve the performance and productivity of the organization alone. Similarly, in the absence of management, leadership cannot effectively handle all the processes and operations of the business. According to many theorists, the main difference between these two important elements is that management is relevant to coordinate, plan and organize whereas leadership is relevant to motivation and inspiration.

Executive Summary1

Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles In Different Organisations3

How Organisational Theory Support the Practice of Management3

The Different Approaches To Management Used By Different Organisations4

The Nature Of Groups And Group Behaviour Within Organisation5

Factors That May Promote The Development Of Effective Teamwork In Organisation5

The Impact of Technology On Team Functioning Within A Given Organisation5



Organisation Behaviour

Effectiveness of Different Leadership Styles In Different Organisations

Leadership and management in the business organizations play an inevitable and indispensable role. Every business organization focuses on its management and leadership strategies in order to enhance the productivity and performance of the business organization. Organizations are looking into the best possible strategies for providing high quality and satisfactory leadership and management in running business operations. There are many business organizations, leadership and management strategies of which reflect good and high quality business processes (Antoni, 2009).

The autocratic leadership is defined as the power of taking decisions on one's own, having complete authority. These leaders stand in master of the team and force their choice without permitting the members to challenge them. This leadership style appears to be well for members who need close assistance in order to accomplish the given tasks. The leaders belonging to bureaucratic type of leadership believe in strictly structured process and fashion in order to bend upon the previously established gauges instead it was effective or not.

The charismatic leaders work through infusing efforts and readiness in the members of their team. A leader from this type is mostly on the run. He doe not feel pleased with any static scenario. Charismatic leaders have is committed to his organization in the long run. In case of the division or target is credited to the leader not to the team, leader may be at risk of the organization by chosen to terminate in order to grasp some big opportunity. Democratic Leadership is also termed as participative leadership. The participative leader takes the ideas from his team members and considers them, although he holds the responsibility of taking decisions. Every team member plays his roles in order to take the final decision.

How Organisational Theory Support the Practice of Management

Leadership is the articulation and development of vision as well as empowering people for making their ...
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