Organisation And Career Development

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Managing Knowledge Worker


After a period in which companies devoted their efforts to become more efficient in terms of cost and production, using tools such as process reengineering, is now seen as a competitive advantage is achievable in terms of human capital and intellectual.

Some time ago, knew the area responsible for managing human talent as personnel administration, subsequently became human resource management, today we talk about human talent management, human capital, the area of ??organizational learning or knowledge management. Only this change of names gives the idea of ??the changes that have been presented on this front.

The focus of human resource management has long ceased to be in recruitment and selection of staff or job evaluation, but those are the basic tasks of human resource management in any company. Today the organization faces different variables to the recent past, rapid change, new technologies, increased competition, globalization, customers more power, they do need to turn around and face as it should be the new economic landscape.

We live in what some call the era of the knowledge worker and it is true, today there is less demand for unskilled labor and every day is greater than that of people with high skills and specific skills in certain areas. That is why companies must understand that the main task of human resource management, human talent, or whatever you want to call if they want to remain competitive, tends toward knowledge management and organizational learning. But what is knowledge management:

Knowledge Management

There are a variety of concepts given by different researchers, the Knowledge Management, but everyone agrees that the Management Knowledge is a continuous process of acquisition, distribution and analysis of information that moves in environment of the organization to make smarter workers (Read as more creative and innovative) and thus be more accurate decision making, respond more quickly to market needs, achieve sustainable development and be more competitive in this highly turbulent, changing and full of uncertainty (Serenko, 2010, 13-23).

Therefore, knowledge management organizational learning has its main tool. Knowledge management is a dynamic concept or flow. At this point we should ask what the difference between data, information and knowledge is. A first approach could be the following: data located throughout the world and knowledge is located in agents (individuals and organizations), while the information takes a mediating role between two concepts (Serenko, 2004, 185-198).

Admittedly, in reality, what flows between different agents is never knowledge itself, but data (information). It is possible to approximate the knowledge of two agents who share the same data, but due to their previous experiences and differences in how to process the data (mental models, organizational models), will never have the same tendencies for action, not identical states knowledge (Spender, 2007, 5-28). We can only get approximations, because the internal and external context of an agent is always different from another. This is so because knowledge is information placed within a context (experience)

In short, the data once associated with ...
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