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Understanding people in organisation

Understanding people in organisation


Every organisation whether it is business, educational, government, industrial, service, military and healthcare, is made up of people. Organisation is the set of social unit devised by the people for the achievement of the motives and goals of the unit. People develop strategies and management to make the organisation worthy. People provide stewardship, leadership and followership in any organisation. It is the people who transform the organisation from mediocrity to worthiness (Warigon, n.d., p.1).

People are necessary for the implementation of things even in those organisations operated by Robots as people are the developer of these Robots. People make things happen in the organisation by constantly learning and implementing innovative ideas for the betterment of organisation. Understanding of people working in the organisation is necessary to know the causes of organisational behaviours. Without understanding the people in organisation is just like trying to know the cause of a moving vehicle without understanding about the driver and engine (Warigon, n.d., p.1).


In many organisations, people are neglected and mistreated. People do not get motivation for their work. Leaders often focus on the production and enhancement of their business systems. If the workforce of organisation is not willing to perform their work functions, how can the organisation become successful in achieving goals? If the internal customers are not getting satisfaction within the organisation, how can the external customers be satisfied with the services provided by the organisation? (Warigon, n.d., p.2).

Nature of business is rapidly changing. It is the responsibility of the leaders to empower the workforce with utmost satisfaction. Global competitiveness and economy requires managing their people in an effective way. If people are not getting proper attention and understanding from their leaders, organisation will not become profitable and successful (Warigon, n.d., p.2).

Organisational Behaviour and Role of Management

Organisational behaviour is the study of human behaviour in an organisation. It is the study that tells how the human behaviour interacts with the organisation (Anonymous, 2006, p.4). There is an interrelation between organisational behaviour and management. To understand and practice management without understanding organisational behaviour is nearly impossible. It is the responsibility of management to plan, organise, lead and control the functions of the organisation. By apply these four managerial functions, organisation can achieve different levels of efficiency and effectiveness (Anonymous, 2006, p.17)

Scientific Management

An American engineer, Frederick Winslow Taylor presented the concept of scientific management. It is also referred as “Taylorism”. It is s psychological system used to test and analyse the techniques helpful in increasing the productivity and profitability of organisation. He analysed how the scientific management can be beneficial in completing tasks and goals of public organisations (Cannon, n.d., p.1).

Taylor claimed that his study has formed the basis of implementation of clearly defined rules, laws and principles. These principles can be proved helpful in managing business, homes, universities, churches and many other non-profit organisations. His study and principles were best practiced in human resource management of personnel. It made the rise in revenue generation of organisations and firms ...
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