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Organic And Inorganic Evidences

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Organic and Inorganic Evidences

Organic Evidence versus Inorganic Evidence


Organic and inorganic evidences are the kinds of trace evidence which hold an immense importance in criminal investigations. Trace evidence is the section of Forensic Science Laboratory which deals with the assessment of organic and inorganic traces of physical evidence that are used to reconstruct crimes, and involves describing the people, things and places involved in the crime scenes (Schwartz, 2012). According to forensic science research that every contact leaves the trace which can also be applied at the criminology when the perpetrator unconsciously leaves the trace at the crime place whether at the time of collecting up the particulates or removing the fluid stains whether in terms of finger prints or other trace evidences.


The organic trace evidence represents the things which come from human or animals which may include hair, nail, blood or any fluid. However, the inorganic trace evidence covers anything which is found at the crime scene such as fibers, bottle, glass, paints, ballistics, bullets, knife, and piece of cloth, chain, jewellery or any other ornament.

Organic Trace Evidence

Fluids are the most common kind of organic trace evidence which may include blood, saliva, semen, vomit or sweat. These fluid evidences are sent to forensic science laboratories to test. Hence the very first test which is run on such evidences is poly marking which is also called DNA test. This test gives the basic idea of how the crime occurred and whether or not the suspect is the perpetrator.

The other organic evidence may include bite marks, burn marks or wounds over the body of victim. These marks also help crime scene technicians in finding the real criminal through comparing the bite marks with the dental records however, the other wounds found on the victim's body also tell the vivid story as ...
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