Organ Donation & Transplantation

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Ethical And Legal Issues In Healthcare In Regards To Organ Donation & Transplantation


Health Problems Associated with Organ Transplant3


Organ and Tissue Donation after Cardiac Death8

Legal and Ethical Issues in Organ Donation after Cardiac Death9



Ethical And Legal Issues In Healthcare In Regards To Organ Donation & Transplantation


We all are aware of the fact that cell is the elementary unit of life. The cells work together in groups to form tissues and tissues work together to make up organs. Each organ in an individual holds its own clout and can lead to many complications if it stops functioning or if it is missing. In order to cope up with such circumstances, organ transplantation becomes inevitability. Organ transplantation basically refers to the shifting of an organ from one body to another. To be more specific, it is the shifting of an organ from a donor's spot to the specific site on the patient's body in order to replace the dented or missing organ. In short, organ transplant is often the only treatment for organ failure (NHS, 2012).

Earlier, organ transplantation required two individuals; a donor and a patient but recently, with the advancement of technology and science, organ transplant has been made promising with the requirement of just a single person as a result of an expanding and successful field called regenerative medicine. Scientists and engineers under this field have been doing well in producing organs re-grown from the patient's own cells. Such organs or tissues which undergo transplantation within the same person's body are termed as Autografts. The organs which can undergo transplantation include heart, kidneys, liver, pancreas and thymus. However, the kidneys are the most frequently transplanted organs trailed by the liver and heart (WHO, 2013).

The process of organ transplant necessitates organ donation. Organ donation refers to the donation of an organ of the human body from living or dead individual who has been recommended transplantation. It primarily requires the donor's and the patient's medical history which ought to be suitable for the transplant.

Health Problems Associated with Organ Transplant

People undergoing organ transplant mostly have a normal life yet organ transplant can lead to certain medical problems. The causes of these health problems are the medicines which a patient undergoing organ transplant takes in order to suppress the immune system. These problems can be trivial as well as lethal. The first health issue which is probable to arise is diabetes followed by a high level or cholesterol which clogs the blood vessels and is likely to damage a new organ eventually leading to heart disease. High cholesterol can be exemplified as one of the most widespread side effects of certain medication used to control the immune system response once the organ transplant has been done. High blood pressure is another staid issue which a patient has to go through after a transplant. However, the patient can easily get rid of it by changing eating habits and lifestyle. Another chief health issue which is likely to arise after an organ transplant is gastrointestinal ...
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