Oprah Winfrey

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Oprah Winfrey

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Major events and achievements of Oprah Winfrey4

Significance of Oprah Winfrey's life in American history6


Oprah Winfrey


There were so many people to chose from, who made a significant impact on the American History, but the one I chose, stood all by herself. The person I chose to write about is Oprah Gail Winfrey. Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to unwedded, adolescent parents. As a newborn infant, Oprah had a mountain of obstacles already in front of her. She was born to unwedded teenage parents, she was very dark, she was a woman, and she was poor. Oprah was raised in a singie parent home. Her mother was an eighteen year old maid 'Vernita Lee'. Her father was a barber where be lived. She was known for her popular show on America Tv named 'Oprah Winfrey Show' (Waldron. 1988). I chose to write on Oprah Winfrey because of many reasons, but mainly because she is a famous black woman, who had nothing and worked real hard to be successful. Oprah winfrey is a prominent figure and a liviag legend for the American history, which is significant. How many of us have this iron will to achieve his or her dreams? Winfrey's success story is full or lessons that inspire an individual to such an extent that everything seems possible. Oprah Winfrey is the most popular American broadcaster. She is eighth strongest woman in the world on a list of ten.

She is the heart-throb of Black Americans, a depleted community, which is still facing hardships and is struggling for its rights. She has left unimaginable impact on the American nation. She is the one, who came forward and make Americans realize the importance of social issues prevailing in a diverse country like the United States of America. She has influenced men, women, students, elders, alike, and we have no shame in claiming that we followed her teachings religiously, without. Her show was broadcast in 122 countries across the world. Her fans call her with different names including the chief therapist of America, friend of all the housewives, guardian angel, lost souls, and even an icon of American television.

Winfrey's ability to deal with drug addicts and persons with an alternative way of life made her realize, "We are all responsible for ourselves, for our victories and our defeats." Winfrey has become every woman. She loved every minute of their shows, and for this audience loved it. She never seems to lose her humour. Her role in the movie, “Beloved”, and an adaptation of Toni Morison's novel with the same name is worth watching. She does absolute justice to her profession. She is the Florence Nightingale of media industry.


Oprah Gail Winfrey was born on January 29, 1954 in Kosciusko, Mississippi to unwedded, adolescent parents. As a newborn infant, Oprah had a mountain of obstacles already in front of her. She was born to unwedded teenage parents, she was very dark, she was womanly, and ...
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