Operations Management - Assessment 2

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Operations Management - Assessment 2

Operations Management - Assessment 2

Facility Management

Answer 1

Auckland is a geographically diversified location and is considered as one of the best locations to initiate a business. This region has won awards for beautiful harbours, sandy beaches, wonderful islands etc. The country has larger airports, regular flights for reaching various destinations within the region. It is essential to elect the most suitable location for doing business because the location that is feasible shall increase the productivity level. It must possess good infrastructure to attract maximum customers and must be able to access diversified range of resources. One can get cheap resources like labor, raw material, and other necessary supplies and equipment to run a business in rural areas. Business owners must evaluate the land and equipment prices to in deciding about potential location.

However, since it is a bakery a business so it would be appropriate to locate it in a urban area or area that is located in metro city so that customers visit it on regular basis. It would be further appropriate to find a location around malls, big hotels, or offices complex and business buildings for a bakery. Such a location would be in reach of maximum number of customers who may stop at bakery to gab donuts, cinnamon rolls, pizzas, biscuits, brownies etc. It is important to evaluate availability of the factors essential to run a business in taking location related decision. It is necessary to choose a location that is visible and evident on streets, near parking lots, from buildings' or malls' windows and gates. The visibility factor is quite advantageous for a business like bakery as people passing by the road either pedestrians or in vehicles can locate the bakery easily and availability of parking lot around the bakery will be facilitating the visitors to park their vehicle and grab a cup of coffee with peace of mind (Maré and Coleman, 2011).

Since it is a bakery business, therefore, the area for a land won't be that expensive and would easily fit into the budget of $15000 as contributed by three of the friends and partners. However, such a busy location may become a issue in early and quick delivery of supplies at the bakery by suppliers that is why it shall be a good idea to build a kitchen inside the bakery so that items can be baked and cooked quickly and available for sale immediately.

Answer 2

The bakery items that shall be offered to visitors and customer in bakery business are listed below:

Apple Pie

Lemon and apple tart

Ice cream sandwiches

Pan cakes



Ice cream



Fresh Juices and cocktails

Almond bars

Pesto rolls


Lemon,. Apple and blueberry flavored magazines


Hot drinks, tea, coffees etc.


Pastries and much more

The decision regarding the list of products mentioned above are decided on the basis of latest trends and preference in eating of the target market. In addition, these items are also decided on the basis of conducting comparative analysis of other bakery items offered by competitors and cost to bake these ...
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