Operations Management

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Operations Management

Operations Management


The field of Operations Management has evolved from a purely descriptive origin through the Management Science/Operations Research phase, and is now in the process of finding itself as a functional field of management (Buffa, 2002).

All organizations have operations. A manufacturing company may conduct operations in a foundry, mill, or factory. Our interest is in the management of operations, or operations management (OM), including the usual management cycle of planning, implementing, and monitoring/controlling. The driving force for OM must be an overriding goal of continually improving service to customers, where Since customer means the next process as well as the final, external user. There is an operation element in every function of the enterprise, all people in all jobs in every department of the organization should team up for improvement of there own operations management elements.

'Operations management is about the way organizations produce goods and services. Everything you wear, eat, sit on, use, read or knock about on the sports field comes to you courtesy of the operations managers who organized its production. Every book you borrow from the library, every treatment you receive at the hospital, every service you expect in the shops and every lecture you attend at university - all have been produced.' (Slack et al, 1995)

Operation Management is critical importance of organization and business nowadays. It is the management of manufacturing, production, and services operations. It may be defined as the design, operation, and improvement of the production systems that create the firm's primary products or services. Operations management is concerned with the efficient and effective transformation of inputs into 'desired outputs'.

This process, which changes a set of resources (INPUTS) into services and goods, has been recognized that the disciplines of the operations manager can be deployed in It is also called a transformable OUTPUTS. Traditionally those outputs have been understood largely in manufacturing terms and in the context of profit making organizations. Operation Management is diverse. That is why virtually any area where a purposeful system or organization is striving to achieve its objectives. The long-term survival of most companies is inextricably linked to the ability of management to shape operations resources to achieve this task and to realize that difficult and fundamentally important trade-off decisions must be made. Operations management focuses on carefully managing the processes to produce and distribute products and services. Usually, small businesses don't talk about 'operations management', but they carry out the activities that management discipline typically associate with the phrase 'operations management.'

Operations Management is concerned with the design of operating systems and with the development of organizational planning and control processes for managing them. Operating systems comprise those elements of an organization that do productive work, i.e., turn inputs into outputs. They consist of the transformation processes that create the goods and services that an organization supplies to its environment.

The field of Operations Management evolved from production, or manufacturing management and the basic concepts and methodologies to be presented were developed primarily for manufacturing ...
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