Operations Management

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Operations Management

Operations Management

Question no.1

The company chosen for coursework is Pepsi. Pepsi is the leading company in the beverages industry after the Coke. Pepsi is involved in a number of activities. It does not only makes the formula of the Pepsi but it is also involved in the packaging and distribution of Pepsi. Pepsi recently has also entered in many new markets. For instance, it has started to introduce some juices apart from its traditional Pepsi. Pepsi also owns the Mountain dew. Also, in order to cater to the needs of the health conscious people, Pepsi also introduced the sugar free drinks which were also liked by many people, particularly by the diabetic patients. Pepsi has also share in the mineral water business. It owns its own brand Aquafina. In this work, we will try to discuss the different processes of performed at Pepsi. There will also be the discussion of the bottlers network which is occupied by Pepsi. Pepsi has also recently acquired some of its bottling networks in order to gain competitive advantage. It has also changed the packaging of some of its products (Porter, 2008). The drinks offered by Pepsi are also present in various sizes and different types of packages. Pepsi has also expanded its business in the snacks category to face the increasing competition. The major competitor of Pepsi is Coke. Although Coke is the leading brand in the beverage industry but Pepsi has also given it tough competition in many markets. Pepsi dominates the entire Asin market. Similarly, Pepsi has also edge in the distribution. The distribution of Pepsi is very strong. In most of the Asian and African countries, Pepsi can be found in every town. Over the years, Pepsi has adopted many techniques in order to remain in touch with the competition (Woolfolk, Castellan, & Brooks, 1983). These techniques will also be discussed in this coursework.

Question no. 2

The important attributes of the 4-v model are volume, variety, variation in demand and visibility. We will now discuss the attributes of the demand keeping in view the 4-v model. We will also analyze the implications on the organization due to this. The demand of the various products of the Pepsi change time to time. Most of the drinks offered by Pepsi show reduction in demand during the winter season. It has been noticed that during the winter season, People avoid drinking the cold drinks. This phenomenon is mostly evident in the Asian countries where much of the business of Pepsi is based (Chase, & Zhang, 1998). Due to this the organization is suffers a lot. The demand of its drinks reduces during the winter season. Similarly, during this season the company tries to offer discount over many of its products in order to fill the gap which is created due to decrease in demand. This seasonal impact on the core products of the Pepsi was one of the reasons due to which Pepsi had to switch to expand into the new ...
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