Narasimhan, R., & Talluri, S. (2009). Perspectives on risk management in supply chains. Journal of Operations Management, 27(2). Pp 114-118
This article has been successful in analysing the effects of risk management on an organization's operations. The author has written this article for organizations to analyze risks in the organizations as industry trends are changing and the globalization is increasing day by day. The strategic third party logistic by the companies has increased risks. It is possible to coordinate and to control outsource operations by hiring specialized and capable suppliers fro outsource operations. Supply chain management is an important activity of an organization. Managing risks in the supply chain contributes towards strategic outsourcing. Extensive outsourcing has also increased the probability of unpleasant events in the supply chain. This article is related to operations management as elaborated the various risks associated with the supply chain management and how to investigate these risks in the organizational context. There are various other issues are discussed in this article related with the supply chain risk management. When uncertainty in an organization is reduced, then efficiency and better performance are observed in the organization.
Jarugumilli, S., & Grasman, S. E. (2007). RFID-enabled inventory routing problems. International journal of manufacturing technology and management, 10(1). pp 92-105.
This article explains about the issues related to the process inventory and management and their impacts on the business processes and operations. This article provides an insight of the inventory management and the tools used for managing inventory in an organization. RFID is one of the most effective tools used for the inventory management. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) identifies issues by enabling Inventory Routing problems (IRP). This tool helps in enabling efficient control of inventory management and it also provides clear information about the real time issues related to the inventory management. This article explains how inventory can be managed by using these tools and the handling of merchandise with in an organization. There are also some models included in the article which briefly explains the working of these tools and their implementation strategies within the organization. Logistic management is also described in this article for better understanding of the issues related to the inbound and outbound logistics of an organization. This article suggested that companies should regularly examine the information associated with the inventory management. It is necessary to gain information about the products from their raw material step to their final consumption.
Gunasekaran, A., Forker, L., & Kobu, B. (2000). Improving operations performance in a small company: a case study. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 20(3), pp 316-336.
The article is relevant to the assignment as it reveals that whether the company is operating at a large scale or it is a small enterprise but it equally contributes towards economies of a country. The article highlights various measures through which operations performance can be improved in the small companies. The study has examined the automotive industry of UK and identified various potential areas where they can ...