Operations Management

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Operations Management

Table of Contents


Objective and Purpose of Assignment3

Significance of Operation Management4

Factors That Influence the Choice of a Manufacturing/ Service Process at greenTech5

Significance of Effective Marketing Strategies at greenTech7

Frontal Attack Strategy8

Market Follower Strategy8

Implementation of CRM at greenTech9

Demand Management Tools11

Implication of Customer Retention Strategies for the greenTech12

Implementation of Proper Value Chain Management at greentech14

Primary Activities14

Support Activities14

Significance of Risk Management as a Marketing Strategy for greenTech16

Importance of Categorizing Risk as High, Medium or Low Probability17

How Marketing Communications can Support and Maintain greenTech Brands in the Electronic Industry18

Types of Marketing Communications For The greenTech18

Improving Quality Service20

The Three Es of Operations Management for greenTech21



Operations Management


Organizations increasingly adopt process management practices to remain competitive. Much of the practitioner literature touts the benefits of process management and its impact on operational performance. However, empirical evidence in academic literature is mixed, and some researchers and practitioners question the positive impact of process management on innovation performance. The operation management by a company it refers to the management of business operations and managing the business recourses efficiently in order to minimize the cost and maximizing the profit of the company. Therefore the operational management system of the company helps the company in managing their business operations. It is essential for an every organization to manage its functions properly at the global level. Because the operation management is important as other functions, the operation management refers to the management of all the operations related to the organization. No organization will be successful if they were not managing their operational functions properly.

Objective and Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the strategic directions of the greenTech company. greenTech was established in 1990. The company began by specialising in the supply of low voltage, low emission, quiet, recyclable components to the electronic industry. Its components are used in the control systems of lifts, cars and kitchen appliances.

I personally believe that the alternative 1 and alternative 2 will bring more positive returns in terms of better operations management and competitive advantage for the greenTech. The justifications of these two alternatives will be the base of this paper.

Since the 1990s, the globalization of manufacturing market has resulted in technological advancements, increased competition, and a large number of customer bases. Companies like greenTech have been forced to modify their management strategies in order to adapt to the changing market dynamics. The change in the management strategies has come about in two steps. The first obvious progressive change is to reduce the cost of products while improving upon their quality followed by subsequent changes in process improvements in business policies, supply chain, and operations. With the advent of information technology, companies like greenTech are more able to efficiently manage increasing volumes of data. Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems is one of the important tools which made use of technology to streamline changing company dynamics. Recently, the use of computer and information technology has been diffused in all departments of an organization including operations, manufacturing, engineering, accounting and finance, supply ...
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