Operations Management

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Operation Management in Business

Table of Contents

Organization Selected3

Understand the Nature and Importance of Operational Management3

Importance of Operational Management4

Need to Product Safely, on Time, to Cost, to Quality and Within the Law4

Link between Operations Management and Strategic Planning5

Systems Diagram to Illustrate a Typical Business5

Understand the Link Between Operations Management and Strategic Planning6

Three E's (Economy, Efficiency and Effectiveness)6

Tension between Cost Minimisation and Quality Maximization7

Significance of the Five Performance Objectives that Underpin Operations Management8

Understand how to Organize a Typical Production Process8

Linear Programming8

Critical Path Analysis and Network Planning9

Need for Operational Planning and Control9

Applying Relevant Techniques to Production of an Operational Plan for a Typical Business10

Network Plan and the Resultant Critical Path10

How Quality could be Defined and Maintained11


Operation Management in Business

Organization Selected

The orgaznition slelected is BRUSH Turbogenerators. BRUSH, one of the biggest names in the generators industry, has been manufacturing turbo-generators for more than hundred years. It has expanded its manufacturing base for years. With a state of art machinery in place, it has been manufacturing in the Czech Republic, Netherlands and the U.K. For years, it has catered customers' needs all over the world and has acquired many big companies in the generators industry. It keeps a distinguished name in the industry because of having three “centre of excellence” manufacturing plants, where its innovative designs can meet customers' demands and give a hard time to competitors as they cannot imitate or even manufacture products that can outnumber the benefits offered by BRUSH's products.

Understand the Nature and Importance of Operational Management

Operations management is the area of Business Administration dedicated to both research and the implementation of all these actions tend to generate greater value added through the planning, organization, direction and control in the production of both goods and of services, all aimed at increasing quality, productivity, improve customer satisfaction for customers and reduce costs (Pilkington & Meredith, 2009, pp. 56). At the strategic level, the objective of Directors of Operations is involved in finding a sustainable competitive advantage for the company.

Importance of Operational Management

Operational management is understood or "managing down" which makes the public management into your organization to increase its ability to achieve their political purposes. It includes changes in organizational structure and system of roles and functions, the choice of leaders and mid-level advisor, the process of training of permanent staff, continuous improvement of the functioning of the organization with its current technology and the introduction of technical and strategic innovations in line with ongoing projects (Lowson, 2002, pp. 78). Operational management is all activities related to the deliberate transformation of materials, information or customers. Operating function includes activities that result in manufactured goods and services supplied by the organization to the external environment. Organization may vary greatly in nature operating functions. For example, in industrial raw materials are processed, and the first from the raw produce individual parts and components, then assemble them into finished products.

Need to Product Safely, on Time, to Cost, to Quality and Within the Law

The organizations must ensure that the employ effective improvement practices and methods like ...
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