Operations Management

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Computer applications technology for the Operations Management

Role and impact of computer applications technology for the Operations Management


Computer applications technology or in other words can be regarded as information technologies has now a days on its peak for taking a vital part in the accurate and rapid processing and transfer of huge volumes of processed data in the management of several operation in the multi-national or international firms. The appropriate management of operations and systems, which is conveniently processed by processing communication and information to those who are engaged in the huge and expanded chains and networks of business operations as this is an essential thing for any business organization. In many of the applications of the information technology, Electronic Commerce (EC) is the most promising which is broadly witnessed in current era. It revolutionises the entire process of supply chain management and is very effective and powerful for retailing, manufacturing, and services operations. The credible significance of the electronic commerce computer applications has encouraged the business activities in extended ways and E-commerce has been examining as a major component that is vital to link several systems and processes of the organisation. The computer applications of the electronic commerce is used in the manufacture, retail and services operations as it is a tremendous framework that describes the components of the E-commerce as well as its role in distinctive areas of the organisation.


The impact and role of the computer applications technology for the management of operations is a famous topic in informatics circle and in the mass media as well as its impact is probably the most seen in the retailing and financial services areas. Several e-commerce initiatives have emerged in a shorter time period and such initiatives are comprised of the pioneering smart cards for facilitating the operations of e-commerce, and for electronic checking and remote payments, trading of financial instruments online, and other processes of online retailing and banking. The new era has been completely dependent on the internet and it has become vitally important to appreciate the ability of diverging information and providing wealth from around the world. Millions of sites are opening up new information exchange and opportunities for trade and it's all just a click away. The use of internet is not a novelty but it is taking a wide place in our daily lives as telephony and television. Everyone has witnessed a huge revolution through the means of expansion of internet and its use and the emergence of the electronic commerce is considered as the second revolution of internet. It provides wide varieties of techniques and tools that enable the operations of trading through the online website over the internet. These revolutions have helped a lot in the operations of the trading and in the management of extensive supply chains.

Supply chain management is defined as the processes that are concerned with improvement of movement and in treatment and managing of goods from the point where it is produced to the point ...
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