Operations Management

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Systems and Operations Management - Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues

Systems and Operations Management - Critical Evaluation of Relevant Issues


Operations management (OM), which considers the design and management of transformation processes in manufacturing and service organizations, is undergoing a sweeping transition reflecting the expanding boundaries of the OM function. Whereas in the past, the operations manager commonly assumed a functional role focused on improving efficiency within the four walls of the factory or service organization, today's operations manager faces a complex task in which success often hinges on securing and maintaining a value-added position within one or more global supply chains (Heizer and Render, 2010, pp. 62-69). This new era of OM philosophy and practice precipitated by the globalization of provide bases and marketplaces, improvement in information technology (IT) programs and hardware, and the prevalent acknowledgement and acceptance of provide string of connections concepts. These alterations of the enterprise natural environment are endowing managers to redefine their operational schemes at the enterprise and mesh grade, thereby supplying important possibilities for discovery and risks for those locked into the customary purposeful viewpoint of OM. The objectives of this notion are to analyze the present perspectives of OM and supply projections for its future development in the international economy (Heizer and Render, 2010, pp. 62-69). Toward this end, we characterize OM, talk about its decision-making scope, recap important points in its chronicled development, differentiate between the purposeful and method perspectives of OM, recognize the components that are rapidly altering the function of the operations manager, and suggest some key OM achievement components for the future.

KSL Group

KSL Group is a sugar manufacturer; their product is a mass product which they mainly supply to other business that requires sugar as their material. The volume of the product is very high. They have very low variety of products because they produce only sugar, they have limited range of product which may not suit for some industry, but most of their product can be widely used in various industries; food, candy, pharmaceutical and sweetening. Their variation of demand is medium; the amount of demand is the same all over the year, especially in the food industry. They have low in visibility because customers can only see the products, not the operational process of the manufacturer.

This paper will illustrate and explain the distribution process that considered amendable to be effective and provide faster service. This paper will also explain how the company operates the automated system in sales department for a real-time stock list. The last part is implementation of the new system, how it works and what problems might have occurred and provides solutions to cope with the following problems that might affect the new system.

Manufacturing Operation

KSL Group transformed their materials, which are the, sugar canes in order to meet their customers' needs and satisfaction, by use of their machinery, facilities, staff and equipment. For the transformation process, they manufacture products, sell and deliver to customers. The output of the operation is customers who received the product ...
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