Operation Management

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Operation Management

Operation Management


This study is about the Primark, New Look and the Chanel organization related to the different level of the fashion market. Primary is known as the subsidiary of the of the British associated foods and it is the second largest retailer in the Ireland and United Kingdom because of the highest number of the revenue and the large number of the profitability. While, New Look is known for its latest fashion brands. It is the British global organization which was founded in the 1969in UK. Then the company expands its operation in the UAE too. Chanel organization is related to the high fashion house that increases their ready to wear clothes, luxury goods and the fashion goods etc.

Operations management is the activity which manages the resources in order to produce the goods and services for delivering purposes. It is one of the functions of the management inside the organization. This function of the management can be described as the part of organization which is related to the production part and delivery part of goods and services. This shows that all of the organization around the globe undertakes the operation management activity because all of the organizations produce the goods and services (Chase, 1981, 698-706).


Competitive Objectives of the companies

It is the duty of the every organization that they have to focus on the specific capabilities which provides the competitive edge over the competitors. There are five types of competitive objectives which are used for developing the SMART goals and also used for increasing the profitability and the market share of the organization. These five objectives include: speed, flexibility, dependability, quality and cost.


Primark used quality and cost for increasing the market image of the organization. The organization lowers the cost of the product in order to increase the profitability of the Primark. The organization also use the less cost in order to maintain the competition. In this way, Primark have the more benefits then the other organization like New Look and the Chanel organization. The organization enjoys more profits than the rivals organization and have the high share of the market. Cost is very important for the operation management of the Primark organization in order to earn all the benefits. Operation management of the Primark organization made the policies for reducing the price of the product, cost of overhead and other small portion of cost. The organization reduces the cost through the help of the all the stakeholders of the organization. The success of the organization mostly based on the suppliers who supply the cheap material to the Primark organization. The supplier of the organization does not involve any agent in between the activities which in turn reduces the cost of the material. Also the company provides the varieties of fashion brands to the consumers which include latest fashion in the large volume. In this way, the organization not only provides the high quality fashion but also it develops the product in the low cost (Elnadi, 2009, ...
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