Operation Management

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Operation Management in Business

Operation Management in Business


This paper includes the importance of operation management in the corporate world. It would also provide understanding of organizational structure and aim, relationship between strategic development and operations management, organization of classic production process and how to apply the techniques of operational management on a business. The aim of the paper is to provide answers to some common questions of operation management in business.

The focus of Operations management is on managing the process of internal business. It includes the production and distribution of products and services. Operation management is practice by almost all organizations that produce goods and services. Even small organizations are involved in operation management activities, despite of the fact that they don't call it by the name of operations management. The activities that come under operations management are creation of product, development, manufacturing and distributing. It also includes the management of purchase, control of inventory and its quality and logistics. It is a misconception that operation management only includes production sector. Organizations in service sectors are also actively involved in operational management. Effective operational management is vital for every kind of organization around the world. It focuses on increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of an organization. The process of operations management differs from for different kind of organizations. The strategic goals of an organization are dependent on the effectiveness of implementing operations management (Vidler, 2001, pp.6-20).


Structure and aims of organization

The extent of operations management varies from one organization to another. The managers of operations management play their role in designing the product or service, selection of process, organization of technology, improvement of quality and design of work process.

Importance of Operations Manager

As being the operations manager at “Kingslice”, I play a vital role in achieving the company's strategic and tactical goals. Since the company is producing bread which are sold to customers, role of operation manager is important to ensure that effective production is implemented. I will be responsible for ensuring the quality of bread along with effective cost. I would plan, organize, implement, and control the operations of “KingSlice”. My importance as an operations manager for the organization includes the improvement of productivity and to meet the demands of customers.

I can use my expertise and skills to improve the productivity of organization. Improvement in productivity would result in decreasing the costs. It would also result in improved quality of the breads. According to Lipsey (2007, pp.411), increase in productivity would result in low cost of production. Improved productivity would allow employees and workers to produce more number of units in a given hour. It would allow the company to sell more units of goods in effective cost.

As the operational manager, I can help organization to increase its productivity. Since productivity is directly related to profitability, increase productivity would result in increasing profits. Kingslice would be able to produce larger number of breads with increased productivity. Efficiency and effectiveness in the process of making bread can be a ...
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