Operation Management

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Interview on Implication of Operation Management in British Petroleum

Interview on Implication of Operation Management in British Petroleum

To:[His/her Name] Managing Director, British Petroleum

Dear [His/her Name],

Absolutely, I agree the double dip recession has ostentatious all areas across the globe. The recession impact has greatly conceited the smooth maneuver and functioning of the organization dwelling in different types of operations. This impact will fade away with time and a lot of constructive efforts will be required to incorporate the lost status of progression and prosperity. British Petroleum being the giant multinational has too been affected by the double dip recession and its impact has been greatly witnessed in the operations and functioning of the company. Many employees have been laid off, several were dismissed, turnover ratio fluctuated and operations smoothness has been distressed with this appalling impact of recession. No doubt the prices have been evidently increased and labor forces have been considerably cut off as a result of recession. But the implication of some imperative strategies can considerably bring smoothness in the operations and functioning of British Petroleum.

Development of strategic strategies is the only effective approach a company can adopt in the times of need. The best and the most effective strategy to wrestle against recession is to sustain the smooth working of BP operations (Bamberg, 2000, pp.1-15). The operation of BP has been widespread across the globe. The supply of the petroleum has been examined in many neighboring countries. Recession is not the justification for lessening the manufacturing and delivery of petroleum. To retaliate against recession BP can incorporation of Operation Management and its strategic application is what can serve best in the interest of both the company and its relative customers. The concept of operation management is a new wave of hope in the recession. Recession has imposed two prominent affects one on the labor force and other on the operations of the organization. Both the affects are inter related the reduction of labor force due to recession has significantly affected the operations incorporated in the organization. The implication of operation management and its relative application can significantly help in overshadowing the affect of recession on BP operations. It is through operation management the refining and manufacturing process of Petroleum can be redesigned and overseen in a new strategically controlled process. With the availability of less labor and few variables operation management can help in incorporating efficient process manufacturing and refining petroleum (Tharoor, 2010, p.1).

The need of petroleum has increased on a larger scale lately. The increased demand requires significant supply of petroleum on affordable prices so that people can utilize it. BP no doubt recognizes customer need and demand and therefore since many years promises to deliver high quality petroleum. The investment of operation management application in the processes of manufacturing and refining of petroleum can help in grasping the control over quality and endure rapid improvement (Bamberg, 2000, pp.1-15). BP holds a distinctive and distinguishing importance and image in the eye of global ...
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