Operation Enduring Freedom

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Operation Enduring Freedom

Operation Enduring Freedom

Thesis Statement

This research analyzes the terrorist's attacks affecting the world as a whole and the operation against them by the US army.


The terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 11 September 2001 spectacularly altered the world in which we live. Never had a foe attacked us on our own dirt to such effect. Over 3,000 Americans past away that day at the hands of a ruthless and to some stage faceless, enemy. The terrorist organization renowned as al Qaeda, perpetrator of the attack, operated in the shaded to take benefit of the freedom and openness that are American hallmarks. Afghanistan, a renowned teaching ground and a protected haven for al Qaeda, rapidly became the aim of the first military efforts to hit back. Osama receptacle Laden, al Qaeda's enigmatic foremost, accepted he and his followers were after the come to of American arms in that far-off mountainous land, and defended by its fanatical Taliban regime (Cordesman 2002).

Bin Laden was wrong. Most Americans are familiar with the military operation in Afghanistan. In a matter of months, the U.S. Army, Air Force, Marines, and Navy, in a masterful brandish of junction operations and in live presentation with our Afghan partners, overthrew the Taliban regime and motored the terrorist al Qaeda into worldwide flight. Our actions in Afghanistan spectacularly illustrated the come to of American power and the power of American will. The crusade was a rousing starting to the freshly broadcast Global War on Terrorism.

Operation Enduring Freedom is an American-led battle operation which carries the Global War on Terror (GWOT) hardworking in Afghanistan, the Philippines, and components of Africa. People often use “Operation Enduring Freedom” just to recount American battle operations in Afghanistan. Together with the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the operation is intended to convey steadiness to Afghanistan and to avert the emergence of terrorist units in the region (Maley 2002).


In October 2001, the United States of America and Great Britain invaded the homeland of Afghanistan. The invasion was in answer to the terrorist attacks commenced contrary to the United States on September 11, 2001. The rulers of Afghanistan, renowned as the Taliban, had supplied support to the terrorist assembly Al-Qaeda, which had asserted blame for the September 11 attacks. Opponents to the Taliban inside Afghanistan dynamically aided the American and British soldiers. Other nations furthermore assisted armies to freeing Afghanistan from Taliban control. The primary invasion was entitled Operation Enduring Freedom (Misra 2004).

Since the start of the invasion, American forces in Afghanistan have faced proceeded opposition. Taliban followers extend to attack American forces, encompassing fighters from Ohio, and their allies. Nevertheless, thanks to the United States and their partners, Afghanistan has conceived a more popular government. The invasion forces between October 2001 and August 2005 endured 289 slain fighters, encompassing 231 Americans. Most of the American fighters past away in accidents. American fighters stay in Afghanistan in 2005, prompting some tranquil disputes in the United States (Meyer ...
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