Online Shopping

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How popular is online shopping in today's society?








How popular is online shopping in today's society?


In this assignment I will be discussing about online shopping and its popularity in the society at present. There are numerous people who shop online and that percentage has now jumped to 40 % in the last two years time. So now more than 85 % of the world's internet users are buying things online. The most active web population is of South Korea, where it has been seen that almost 99 % of the users shop through internet and then on second it is UK at almost 97%. There are many reliable and famous online purchasing sites available from where the shoppers buy the most are Amazon & eBay (Wattanajantra, 2008, pp. 01). Online shopping has grown amazingly in popularity over the recent years and now billions of pounds are spent yearly by the people from all over the world in order to buy things online. There are not limitations to the age in fact young, adults and old age people every one now prefers to shop online. It has been seen through many researches that online shopping caters the middle or upper class only since in order to shop online one needs to have a computer, a bank account or a credit / debit card. With the growth in technology, shopping has progressed. According to a research found in an Electronic Commerce Journal if one focuses on the demographic characteristics of the shopper, the more the education and income of the household head, the more interest is towards the online shopping (


Research methodologies can be characterized by the systems of rules against which the knowledge claims are evaluated and upon which the research is based. Research methodology provides the guidelines to solve a particular problem, identifying the phases, tasks, tools techniques. It is a systematic approach of solving the identified problem. There are numerous research techniques that can be applied, depending on the objectives and time frame. Every approach has its own advantages and disadvantages. There are two basic research approaches one is qualitative while other is quantitative. There is also a primary and a secondary research methodology and in this assignment I will follow the secondary research method.


The leading and generally the most common reason for purchasing things online is the convenience that an individual can purchase things 24 hours a day and 7 days a week anytime it is convenient for them. Web shopping permits anybody to shop during the time which is suitable for them, not only the time when the shops are open. This is an enormous playing point for numerous individuals, for example those who work at the time when shops are open, individuals who are not on their own when it comes to travelling that make getting to the shops troublesome, even couples who work diverse hours and find it challenging to shop together. Credit cards are mostly being used by people to purchase online ...
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