Online Media

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Online Media

Online Media

Online Media


Online media is a source of immense influence especially in this era when more than half of the population has access to internet connectivity through one way or the other. The communication cycle today has become more sophisticated today in terms of the availability of options for such purposes as advertising and the likes. Not only the scene is multifarious in terms of the availability of options to, say any media agency, but it is significantly complex considering the methods and procedures; required to be fueled by carefully designed strategies, which are imperative to execute the use of online media effectively. It is important to recognize that the use of online media is of no substantial importance if it does not offer any creativity and a gateway to interactivity, with the ways to ensure cost being lower than that incurred by the use of traditional media. Online media has to be considered in the same light as contemporary media has been considered and used, except that it could be made more interactive and hence creative as well, in addition to incurring greater cost saving. It many of the times serve as an appendage to the traditional media. With internet connectivity being prevalent and world now commonly being known as a global village, above the line media as Radio, newspapers, television and magazines require to be supported by a medium that could ensure interaction between the marketer (organization or the manufacturer) and the customer. The prime reason behind this is the fact that internet and online media has adjusted the trail leading towards the determination of consumer choice and preferences by customers themselves, with what they learn on the internet.

However considering in an overall aspect rather than singling out marketing and advertising industry, online media regulates the lives of many, exercising as much influence as exercised by any other media. Online news websites, portal and electronic newspapers are the greatest source used for the purpose of reading news, rather than buying a newspaper or keeping paperboy on fixed payroll. Not only is it the popularity of the news portals of the news agencies who utilize online media, but also the astounding profitability that is sourced through the use of online media that continues to add to its reputation and attracts people into using it. News portals are just referred to set an impression online media has attained in this society as this continues to be the case regardless of the content that is put up online. Although this is a step depicting immense advancement but it also raises significant concerns, in terms of the breach of media ethics leading to the thought whether there are sufficient regulations to ensure against any misdeed that could occur as a result of the online media granting unprecedented freedom. In this backdrop, the most important issue that emerges is the determination of whether or not online media should be regulated, and if so, then ...