Online Crime

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Online Crime

Online Crime

Robberies? burglaries? auto thefts? and larceny are all everyday realities in our society. But why do they happen? Is this not the "land of opportunity"? where everyone has a chance to succeed and obtain the American dream? When you examine these crimes? and look at explanations from sociologist as to why they happen? these idealistic notions of our society do not hold up. The fact is that not everyone is afforded the same luxuries as means of achieving success? even though the ideals of? and desires for success are pretty consistent throughout society. Therefore? when the means are lacking but the desire is strong? any methods? especially committing a property crime? become options (Balkin? 2006).

When examining crimes such as robbery in a case study? one must take into account the fact that even with the reported statistics only limited conclusions can be reached. This is because not all crimes are reported; therefore the statistics are not 100 percent accurate. Robbery is defined as "the taking or attempting to take anything from person(s) by the use of force/violence to institute fear" (McCaghy 155). The NCVS states that only 57% of robberies that are committed are successfully reported and documented by the proper authorities (The UCR defines burglary as the unlawful entry of an area with the intent to commit a felony or theft (McCaghy 160). According to the UCR the rate of burglaries are on the decline? although they do not include private homes? the NCVS also reports the rates of burglaries have been on the decline since 1973. The UCR reports that young white males commit the majority of burglaries. These statistics are based on the 13% of reported burglaries that result in arrest (McCaghy 162). When a burglary is committed it is usually calculated and done in a professional fashion. The stolen goods are usually turned over to fences? who sell the hot goods on the street (Balkin? 2006). No more money is made on the goods once they are sold on the street to the general public.

Durkheim's concept of anomie offers a second explanation behind property crime. In his theory? Durkheim portrays society as being riddled with greed? so much so that they will do anything to achieve what they want. Durkheim explains that when people have such motivated aspirations? nothing? not even personal morals are strong enough to control the methods by which those aspirations are achieved. A person may feel that morals and laws are only holding him or her back? and are therefore justified in committing a crime. This explanation works to an extent? but if a person is so motivated by greed to achieve their goals? why does that motivation have to result in committing a crime. Someone with so much motivation should be able to use it in a positive way? instead of a negative way.

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