One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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One flew over the cuckoo's nest

One flew over the cuckoo's nest


One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest is an American film drama by Milos Forman in 1975. The award-winning film about the inmates of a psychiatric hospital is the film adaptation of the novel by Ken Kesey and its subsequent play by Dale Wasserman. The title of the novel is very symbolic, but the translation in different languages limits the effective understanding of its meaning. Literally it takes the verse of a nursery rhyme: Three geese in a flock, one flew east, one flew west, and one flew over the cuckoo's nest. The term English "cuckoo" is really the cuckoo, but figuratively means "crazy" and then the title could be translated as "someone went mad” (KESEY, 1962).

The cuckoo does not build its own nest and usually lay their eggs in those of others. The little cuckoo once came to the world, pushing out of the nest young birds who built it. This offspring is then fed from the new adoptive parents, guided by instinct; continue to care for newborns as if they were their own. Another meaning can be given by the fact that the protagonist, who came to the psychiatric hospital, leads others to interpret their patients stay within the structure in an innovative way out of the norm nursing and changing habits, changing that "the nest "and the previous rules (KESEY, 1962).


Nobody laughs, nobody can let go. Everyone looks at his neighbor with suspicion, trying to see in them, even the slightest sign of restlessness from which it may discover its deepest secrets. In a universe in which, under the order and discipline, everything must be checked, nothing should be left to chance (BLOOM, 2002). The "clique" is trying to marginalize the misfits, trying ...
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