Olympics Raising The Uk's Profile

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Olympics raising the UK's profile

Executive Summary


The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games' lust to strive for excellence and to achieve the aim for having 'the best marketing plan that any country has ever had' is evident by the fact that LOCOG has hired the best marketing people to work it such as The Neilson Company, Boston Consultancy Group and McCann. The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG) has built the marketing policies very comprehensively. The policies and practices not only focus on the basic marketing principles but also cater to the issue of ambush marketing. The London Olympics 2012 is a grand avenue for England to capitalize on its rich culture and architecture. It can bring economic wonders for the country by bringing in more foreign investment and business. Technology plays a crucial part in determining the success of any major event; same is the case with London Olympics 2012. It opens the doors for numerous opportunities and foreign ventures. The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG) has exhibited through its execution that it has worked on an extremely comprehensive marketing plan. However when it comes to the promotion of tourism in London/ United Kingdom there still are some areas for improvement. The paper provides a business report that critically analyses the current marketing practices of the organisation. The paper explains the value to the organisation, showing evidence in analysis of research beyond the case material, and application and evaluation of relevant theoretical models. The paper discusses the challenges and opportunities changes in technology present for this organisation, with reference to theory. The paper highlights recommendations for strategic responses to these to enable the organisation gain/maintain competitive advantage in the future.


Olympics raising the UK's profile



This business report critically analyses the current marketing practices of London Organising Committee for the Olympic and the value is added to the organisation, with evidences, and application plus evaluation of relevant theoretical models.

The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (LOCOG):- London Organising Committee for the Olympic aims to provide experience for everyone involved, ensure a real legacy and inspiring people to join in and truly make these 'everyone's Games' (LOCOG, 2012, 2).

Organising the Games is a huge test. With Twenty Six Olympic Sports and Twenty Paralympic Sports, 14,700 athletes, 21,000 media and 10.80 million ticket-holders, it is the correspondent of staging 46 World Championships concurrently (LOCOG, 2012, 2).

To attain this, LOCOG wants a labor force of approximately 200,000 people by the time the London 2012 Games commence. These are made up of 6,000 paid employees, up to 70,000 volunteers and about 100,000 suppliers. LOCOG is also enduring to acquire £700m-worth of agreements to help transport the Games (LOCOG, 2012, 2).

Not only staging the Games themselves, LOCOG is also accountable for a sequence of experimental events; for the Opening and Closing Ceremonies for Olympic and Paralympic Games both; for the Inspire programme and the London 2012 mascots, for the Olympic and Paralympic Torch ...