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London Olympics 2012

London Olympics 2012


The 2012 Olympic Games will be held from July to September in London, UK. The main site for the London Olympics will be in the Lea River Valley in East London, which is currently derelict industrial land. On the south east corner of the site is the main public transport interchange, at Stratford. A main-line railway forms the southern boundary, while two motorways connecting to national arterial roads form the west and northern boundaries. The Olympics development has three linked phases: construction of the site, holding of the Games in 2012 and regeneration (demolition, new infrastructure and redevelopment) up to 2021 to form the Legacy (Rita, 2010).

Through its winning bid, London is committed to achieve a high level of sustainability. One of the five sustainability aims is to “encourage healthy living” for the Olympics to inspire people to take more physical exercise.

Tradition and expertise are being conveyed simultaneously in London Olympics 2012 as the city's iconic red motor advisers obtain a green makeover (John, 2001). But the kinds of schemes that will propel this change are yet to be very resolute and the choices are initiating partition amidst the UK's technology community. Earlier this month, Mayor Boris Johnson revealed a life-size mock-up of the well renowned open-backed Route expert coach at the London Transport Museum. The coach is anticipated to be on London's roads throughout the Olympics as part of a broader design to roll out 300 hybrid motor advisers in London by 2012. At the instant, nearly all of Transport for London's (TFL's) motor advisers are driven by diesel motors, with the exclusion of 56 motor advisers that use hybrid propulsion systems.

The hybrid fleet was a test commenced in 2006 when a number of manufacturers were conveyed in to check the suitability of distinct hybrid propel teaches in the built-up environment. The choices were dividing into two categories: aligned hybrid, where the coach is propelled by the electric battery or exactly by the motor, or a sequence hybrid scheme, where there is no direct connection between the motor and wheels, with the coach propelled solely by electric battery power (SOCOG, 2001).


Economic and Environmental Benefits of London Olympics 2012

Transport planning at United Kingdom complements the studies produced by architects and engineers. In the UK, the transport planning is considered as a discipline per se, and with goals and values ??that comprise the provision of a services critical to the achievement of increased quality of life and competitiveness. Transport planning has positioned itself as the consulting arm with an increased growth in the United Kingdom in recent years. Transport planning has also shown too well that a good strategy can lead to a significant cost reduction in the provision of transport infrastructure related to the development projects and urbanization (Brunet 2005, pp. 10). During the Olympics the excellent management of transportation network will maximize the economic and social benefits generated by urban and social development. In addition, transport planning also facilitates the generation of profits indirect economic and promoting local investment, the increased mobility for the local labour market and urban regeneration due to improvements in accessibility that promote greater investment by builders and developers.

The environmental benefits generated by transport planning at the UK include the improvements in air quality and reduced noise levels and vibration caused by motorized traffic. The reduction of vehicular traffic is necessary for these benefits as well as route planning for transport services. These benefits are more visible in urban areas with high levels of contamination (ACOG, 1997).

Security Concerns for London Olympics 2012

As far as security issues are ...
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