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Fake Olympic ticket sites

Fake Olympic ticket sites


Online industry is one of the fastest growing industries in today's business. This is an area that offers talented professionals opportunities for career growth and higher living standards. Online industry is an industry that utilizes the power and flexibility of the Internet and has enabled people worldwide to break down the traditional barriers of time and physical location in addition to offering functionalities, and opportunities considered unthinkable in the past. The Internet and the World Wide Web, however, are not without problems. The Internet may ultimately become a double edged sword. For one thing, the Internet brings diverse opportunities but also carries risks and concerns (Kiernan, 2007, 22). One main concern deals with the availability and utilization of investment recommendations in the online medium. Information on online medium is available 24\7 365 days. It brings value added services to their customers.

One thing that cybercriminals are excellent in creating false atmosphere and experts on gaining confidence of the customers specially related to current events, or by raising emotions such as compassion. We call it "social engineering" and it is a key aspect to online scams the most common: phishing emails that lead to fake websites. Hackers create false sites with addresses that are often poorly typed, and this, in hopes to fool Internet users careless. Enter an incorrect web page address can lead to false sites, is something that can probably happen for people who surf regularly on the Internet (Good, 2009, 41). The creation of false sites is called typo squatting, and as the most computer tricks, the goal is to obtain information and steal money. Some industry insiders point out that the Internet industry may not be the major drive towards economic recovery, because of the fake users in the industry.

Being a member of the committee I am going to focus on the implications of fake Olympic ticket sits on the Acme Company and overall online industry. Further the implementation of law to stop this activity shall also be discussed in the paper.


Fake websites purporting to sell tickets for the Olympic have scammed hundreds of ticket buyers out of Olympian-sized payments. Canadians, Americans, Australians and some athletes' families, have been duped in the scam. Some have lost as much as US$50,000. "It had the different characters that are on the Olympic website. It had every sporting event possible, every time, a timetable, a map everything. It looked totally legitimate."

Implications of the Problem

The Web sites are becoming a distribution point for malicious code and fake online attacks. Only in the last six months of last year, only malware grew by 133 percent. Selling tickets of Olympic through fake websites has impacted the business activities of Acme. These fake websites have decreased overall sales of Acme organization (García, 2001, 193). The company has lost customer retention because people are not ready to trust the company. It is found out from a research that there were many fake websites made with the name of our ...
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