Older Person Assessment

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Older person Assessment

Older person Assessment


The person centered assessment should be outlined in such a way that the situation of the older people is modified by the person who is assessing him. It is a plan that can be helpful in identifying the needs of elderly. The planning that is person centered is different from the general assessment in such a way that the person centered planning focuses on the service user.

The person centered assessment is important for older persons because the older people require more care and it helps in understanding the people more properly. The proper and complete information about the person will help in providing them good quality of care and it would be helpful in fulfilling their needs. The patient will also takes part in making decisions of his health after feeling supported from the support worker or nurse. The older people will have the ability to manage their health and problems because of getting facilitation regarding their health issues.

Critical reflection

Relationship building

The person centered assessment facilitated in building a relationship with the patient. Mr. Joe was suffering from depression because he was not able to go outside and meet his friends like he used to do in his young age. His loneliness created a feeling of depression in him. The person centered assessment was helpful in reducing his depression because a relationship was established between me and Mr. Joe.

Responsibility sharing

The assessment helps in setting the priorities of care like the patients must be treated as partner when it comes about making decisions of their care, and while making their treatment plans. Mr. Joe likes to self administer the medicine and the principle of responsibility sharing helped him in making the decisions himself.


The assessment should be able to fulfill all the needs of the patient and all the preferences and needs of the patient should be valued. Complete and proper information should be provided to the patient so that he should be able to make decisions regarding his care. Mr. Joe has the problem of Osteoporosis, he was provided with the complete information and safety measures of the disease after which he became agreed to include milk in his daily meal along with the medicine.


Teamwork should be mainly focused in assessing the patient so that he can build a relationship with all the healthcare providers and the assessment is also helpful for nurse, support worker and the physician. All of them should work in coordination regarding the health issues of the patient. The work of all the partners should be flawless and the experiences of the patient should be positive.

Due to depression Mr. Joe was not friendly with any of his family members and he always preferred to be alone. Mr. Joe developed a friendly attitude with his support worker and nurse because of their positive attitude with him and his depression was also reduced up to a larger extent.


The environment should be focusing to the patient only so that ...
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