Old Smoke

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Old Smoke

Old Smoke

Answer of Q no.1

As Charles Renfold, I would have acted in a straightforward way and would have asked Darlene Lambert to calm down (William, 2010). I would ask her for a few suggestions that she would like to make regarding her complain and would discuss ways to resolute this issue of concern. As Darlene is among our valued employees, it is my upmost priority to facilitate her in order to preserve quality working environment and making sure that our productivity does not suffer at all. Reacting to this situation on an urgent basis and keeping in mind that the top management was suddenly requesting a report I will make some adjustments resolve this ongoing issue for the time being and will make some adjustments so that these sorts of problems do not occur in the future at all (William, Timmins & Brighton, 2009). The urgent adjustments that I will do and enforce would kindly ask, Frank Alice to stop smoking in their room as it is against work place ethics, and I will do this in quite a polite way so that it does not offend them much. As a manager, it is my duty to maintain peace in work, and sure that the employees are happy, and productivity of our work not affects at all (William, 2010).

Cancer Rates among Men and Women

Rates of cancer estimates to be 30 percent to 50 percent higher among men than among women, the difference largely attributable to the higher rates of lung cancer among men. While lung, (1.3 million deaths/year), stomach (803,000 deaths), liver (610,000 deaths), colorectal (639,000 deaths), and breast cancer (519,000 deaths) cause the most cancer deaths each year worldwide, rates differ greatly when it comes to the most frequent types of cancers found in men and women. Among men, global deaths from lung, stomach, liver, colorectal, esophagus, and prostate cancer are the most frequent; breast, lung, stomach, colorectal, and cervical cancers predominate among women (William, 2010).

Answer of Q.2

Written the policy

Staff member shall receive a copy of this policy in the information set its own direction. In addition, being put copies of this policy in different parts of the facility, including the [specify the names of places; such as, the restroom]. Additional copies are also available upon request (William, 2010).

Smoking in the workplace

Given the fact that Redwood Associates is a special building not open to the general people, smoking ...
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