Office Gossip Using The Resolvedd Method

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Office Gossip Using the RESOLVEDD Method

Office Gossip Using the RESOLVEDD Method


Office gossip occurs when two or more employees interact, then they exchange their ideas, feelings and emotions about their work and office environment. If office gossips cross the lines, it can cause harassment (Leftwich, 2012). Gossips are general communication of two of more people, when it occurs within organization it is called office gossips (Grosser and Lopez-Kidwell et al., 2010)

Resolved strategy which involves the process of thinking through personal ethical problem and to take best decision as you can. In this process, a decision making highly influenced from the moral point of view (Pfeiffer and Forsberg, 1993). In the given case study, decision was taken on the basis of ethical values.

Overview of the Case Study

My boss arguing about the Gatsby, he is an average employee, the coworkers do not want to see him in the workplace because he is the source of pain for them. On the other hand, entire work place of Gatsby is disturbed; his co-workers offend from him. Boss also advises me to fire him, but it is not possible because Gatsby meets basic quotas of work performance. Management is also encouraging to get rid of the Gatsby.

I cannot ignore the order of the boss, but I am baffled about, what to do and what not to do. He thinks that the boss is giving a suggestion to solve the issue, but he thinks he has to follow the order and cannot offend him.

Main Ethical Problem or Conflict

The main problem is not the Gatsby but the actual problem is the suggestion of the boss. He wanted to fire him that is the suggestion for me. Now I need to consider the suggestion of boss and behavior and attitude of the Gatsby. I am under obligation to follow his order if I do not, it leads to many organizational problems and for my own job. The immediate problem is not the Gatsby but the suggestion of boss to fire him.

Main Possible Solutions of a Problem

There are certain doable solutions to this problem that help to quantify the problem and sort out the way-out of this issue.

Gatsby can be a productive employee through counseling and training. After it, if his performance will not satisfactory, he will be given a warning for demotion or rotation.

Through job rotation he can be replaced to other department

Demotion is another solution

To fire Gatsby from the job for the best interest of the company is the last resort.

Outcomes of Each Solution

The following are the probable outcomes of the prescribed solutions,

Outcome 1

Gatsby may be motivated after the counseling and he will try his best to ameliorate his performance due to the fear of rotation and demotion. Co workers will be annoyed for me that Gatsby is still staying in their department, and their grievance against him is ignored.

Outcome 2

If Gatsby rotates to the other department, again he may perturb the workplace and his new coworkers.

Outcome 3

Gatsby may never accept the lower position because this will be ...