Oedipal Complex

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Examine The Role of the Oedipal Complex in the Development of Gendered Identity, According To Freud's Account of Childhood Development

The Role of the Oedipal Complex in the Development of Gendered Identity, According To Freud's Account of Childhood Development

Stages of Psychosexual Development by Sigmund Freud

We find that the sex lives of the people do not like that of most of his ever-related animals from beginning to ripen further developed, but that after a first spring bloom until the fifth year of experiencing an energetic break, after which it again with puberty begins and is linked to infantile approaches. 

Oral phase (first half year of life) 

The mouth region is the primary reference organ. Infants and young children spend much time trying to suck their thumbs or toes.  Disturbances at this stage lead to personality traits, which are required by a lot of others. At the oral stage fixed people are characterized by a low frustration tolerance and give up quickly.

Narcissistic phase (2nd year) 

The child discovers her own body and develops feelings of pleasure (autoeroticism). This behavior is the archetype of self-love (narcissism). Disturbances at this stage can lead to decrease in adulthood of self-confidence and self esteem.

Anal stage (2nd-3rd year) 

The joy is in this phase through the process of defecation initially achieved only by the resignation, and later by the retention of feces. It comes at a tense state between commitment and retention. The child practices in this phase of life control and carry out the initial adjustments to the requirements of the environment. Disturbances at this stage, especially by compulsive toilet training can lead to "manic" or compulsive personality types. These are characterized by strong suppression of aggression, awareness about controlled, stinginess and extreme neatness. It comes with manic personalities to a strong separation between expectations and actual feelings.

Phallic phase (4th-5th year) 

The genitals are at this stage to erogenous zones. Boys realize that girls lack the penis and lead it back to a punishment.  The relationship with parents is determined by the Oedipus complex. On the other hand, the child fears the loss of the love of the same sex parent. This conflict is resolved through the suppression of sexual desires. Disturbances in the phallic phase can result in a "hysterical" personality structure. This is characterized by a conspicuous sexual behavior that is contrary to the timid, passive base structure to avoid the attempted sexual contact. Hysterics are usually self-confident and energetic and impulsive.

Latency period (6th-7th year) 

It occurs in an apparent interruption of a sexual development. Sexual impulses are blocked and replaced. Playmates are sought primarily for the same sex. During this time there is an internalization of the demands of the environment.

Genital Phase (8 years up to puberty)

There will be a resurgence of sexuality and the Oedipus complex, as well as a shift to the opposite sex. The accelerated physical and intellectual maturation is facing a delayed emotional maturation. Adolescence is a strong conflict-ridden phase full motor and inner restlessness (Freud, 1905d, pp. 123-243).

The Oedipal Complex

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