Odyssey And Oedipus

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Odyssey and Oedipus

Odyssey and Oedipus

Oedipus and The Odyssey are many similarities. The most important and significant similarity is that both epics are involved in a conflict when we are the poems. In the Odyssey, we learn that the main character, Odysseus, has been held captive by the nymph Calypso for twenty years. We also know that Ulysses had ended (and won) to fight a war against the city of Troy, and has been held captive by Calypso since. During this time, Odysseus son and his wife, whom Ulysses left behind to fight in the war have been patiently waiting for Odysseus to return to his palace in Ithaca where Odysseus is king. Telemachus, Odysseus' son, has become a young man who is constantly battling suitors of the destruction and loss of fortune from his father, while looking marry Penelope, Odysseus's wife. In Oedipus , a wild plague has been killing a large population of the city-state of Thebes. This was a great conflict that the people of Thebes, Oedipus the King turned to resolve.

Greek myths and heroes have always been amazed that anyone is lucky enough to be familiar with this type of literature. The different adventures and tragic twists of history brings us to the edge of our feet with excitement and sometimes lead us to the top of our emotions with their dramas and tragedies heartbreaking. Two of the most famous of these Greek drama are the focus of this work. Ulysses, the hero of the Odyssey s Oedipus, the unfortunate King Oedipus Sophocles' Homer. His character and personality will be analyzed and their actions will be interpreted by answering some questions. These two figures were known for their intelligence and good decisions as evidenced by Odysseus 'Trojan Horse and Oedipus' answer to the riddle of the Sphinx, however, that the writer s opinion, had used their intelligence to wisdom, or appropriate? Another question concerns the interference of the gods, as was always the issue with Greek mythology, gods, interfering with human lives, that, of Odysseus and Oedipus the gods favor? And with this force of positivism brought by the gods of support, who took advantage of this goodness to make your life (Adventure) better?

In addition to these questions, your relationship with your family and people around them will also be examined, as well as the effects of their actions in their own lives. Ulysses Ulysses is known to be one of the figures wiser and more intelligent in Greek mythology. He is always described as a diplomat, a reasonable man and an eloquent speaker. He always find solutions and ways out of a given situation. He not only struggle with his physical strength, but think first before taking any action. That's why we know that dude act on something without further reflection. As mentioned, `` Ulysses would be "out of any situation and any future disputes, that 's why he made the suitors of Helen (who was one of the suitors of ...
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