Ocular Eye Irrigation

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Is Ocular Eye Irrigation Comfortable With a Lidocaine Solution

In Contaminated Eyes than Normal Saline?

Is Ocular Eye Irrigation Comfortable With a Lidocaine Solution

In Contaminated Eyes than Normal Saline?


Even though, the investigations on the subject of inevitability of the component of eye movement is indecisive currently, “Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)” is a psycho-therapy for post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which has obtained substantial pragmatic legalization (Carlson et al, 1998). In essence, the technique of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is employed by using natural ability of healing the human psyche. It is contraindicated for patients with cardiac and respiratory disorders, eye diseases, and epilepsy. Though, regardless of the experimental corroboration, perplexity is still present in the prose on the subject of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing. This therapeutic strategy was determined by Dr. Francine Shaprio, the therapist, during walking in a garden. Shapiro noted the bilateral eye movement when remembering a traumatic experience - this process mimics rapid eye movement (REM) during sleep with vivid dreams and has the effect of reducing stress to extinction. This psychotherapeutic method includes eight stages and can be used to treat posttraumatic stress disorder, psychosomatic illnesses caused by stress, depression and anxiety disorders.


It has been argued that EMDR is capable of helping in dealing with irrational fears, paranoid schizophrenia, and generalized anxiety, disorders of eating, substance abuse, learning disabilities, and pathological envy yet (Lilienfeld, 1996), but the most important function of this technique has been in healing PTSD. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing is a curative practice wherein the sufferer stirs his eyes forward and backward, in all directions, whereas paying concentration to the dilemma. The psychotherapist wields a stick or beam of light watched by the client and he ought to go behind the stick or light beam that is moving along before his eyes. The paper tends to analyze and study if ocular eye irrigation comfortable with a lidocaine solution in contaminated eyes than normal saline emdr increases the energy exchange between the "different brains" and between its hemispheres, unlocking them. Nobody has been capable to give sufficient details how this technique ought to exert.

Advantages of EMDR

Physiology - the patient not only improves think he feels better. EMDR is a physiological process that walks towards coherence and harmony within the body and between the body and the environment. As a physiological process can be seen tomography (SPECT).

Reduced exposure - Often the patient is tired of talking about what happened or ashamed. The speech needed EMDR is reduced in the process is important.

Tracking - We may not know exactly what the trauma, but the system of information processing and adaptation has the ability to track the problem. There is a true instinct for healing.

Speed - The fast flow and intense processing brings agility to treatment.

Global Change - Our symptoms and difficulties have components of various brain regions. In EMDR for interconnection related regions independently of knowing what elements are being integrated and in what ...