Ocean Pollution

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Ocean Pollution

Ocean Pollution


Water - a key mineral on Earth that cannot be replaced by any other substance. It makes up most of all organisms - plants and animals. Water is a habitat for many organisms, determine the climate and weather change, helps cleanse the atmosphere of harmful substances, dissolves, leaches rocks and minerals, transports them from one place to another, etc. For a man of great water production value: it transportation route and source of energy and raw materials for production, and cooler engines, and cleaner, etc.

The problem of preservation of water quality is currently very topical. Science knows more than 2.5 thousand of pollutants in natural waters, adversely affecting the health of the population, leading to the death of fish, waterfowl and other animals, as well as the death of vegetation waters. It is not only toxic chemical, oil pollution and excess of organic and mineral substances entering flush fertilizer from the fields are dangerous to aquatic ecosystems. An important aspect of pollution of the water basin of the Earth is thermal pollution - discharge of heated water from industrial plants and thermal power plants in rivers and lakes.

Causes of Pollution

Human Waste

These are the human wastes that are the leading cause of pollution of fresh water. In developing countries, 95% of domestic sewage and 75% of industrial wastes are dumped in rivers. Even in industrialized countries, one third of human waste and millions of tons of animal waste spilled into the fields, or to fertilize, or simply to get rid of. We do not know, but even in the U.S., 900,000 people suffer from gastric diseases due to pollution from contaminated water in this way (Doney, 2006). Of course, in non-industrialized countries, these waters create dysentery, typhoid, cholera, gastroenteritis and hepatitis. Diarrhea caused by polluted water by human and animal waste is the leading cause of infant mortality in the world.

Under the pretext that it is supposed to protect against tooth decay, fluoride is being added to drinking water of 200 million Americans and 6 million English, without include Canada, Chile, Ireland, Israel and Brazil there are also (in France and Germany it is prohibited). Now it is increasingly clear that the fluoride added to drinking water is dangerous for your health, and well as its anti-caries is increasingly challenged. Fluoridation also causes an iodine deficiency can damage the thyroid and cause physical and mental disabilities (Hamblin, 2008).

Industrial Waste

In the United States in 2000, there were no fewer than 386,000 leaks from corroded tanks in 2000. Shell acknowledged in 1993 that a third of its gas stations in England had polluted the groundwater. A Santa Monica, California, half of the wells supplying the city water had to be closed following a discharge of oil.

They are used to degrease metals and plastics and fabrics in clean laundry. Widely used in electronics, paper and aerospace, these products seep into the freshwater (Newton, 2008). They have been found in 50% of drinking water supplies of England, and 30% in Japan (in ...
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