Occupy Wall Street Movement

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Occupy Wall Street Movement

Occupy Wall Street Movement


The Occupy Wall Street is one of the most famous and ever growing movement in New York City. The main logic and idea behind this movement came into life via a Canadian magazine in 2011 by the name of Adbusters Media Foundation. The main ideology behind this movement was spread via emails and gained interest of many people. The main purpose of this magazine was to initiate a protest in a peaceful manner that raises voice against corruption, exploitation, inequality amongst individuals' income level, and unfair political system. The social networking web sites also played a major role in spreading the main idea of the movement.

Moral and Economic Implications in Movement

The occupy wall street movement was primarily a demonstration that resulted in accumulation or gathering of domestic groups, students and protesters against a response with respect to economic differences among countries across globe. The movement accomplished its recognition as a result of continuous efforts and protests that were arranged and happened to be in Zuccotti Park of New York City at Wall Street located in Manhattan on the day of 17 September 2011. This is the reason why this protest is named so after occupying Wall Street. The protest gained international recognition and the moral basis of movement revolves around the just dealing, care, and freedom against repression. The primary morality issues and concerns as discussed in this movement include social and economic discrimination, greediness, exploitation, and unjust or unfair impact of corporate world over governmental sectors; more specifically financial service subdivision. The main agenda of this movement was to remake the economic edifice and to manage powers accordingly to create societal equality and fairness. The majority of population involved in this movement i.e. approximately 99% and belonged to average background financially voted in favor of government consideration and participation (Occupywallst.org, 2013).

The demonstrators of the movement believed that the existing economic structure is unjust and unfair and it can be seen in current world as well as rich people are getting richer and poor people are getting poorer day by day. It is estimated that the 1% population of rich society that also belongs to Wall Street. The followers of the protest believed that rich community cheats and exploit resources to reach on top and gain power over poorer community and misuse resources. These protestors recommended that the 1% rich population is dependent upon taxes paid by poor community in order to bail out them and help economy in recovering from financial downturn. The economic repercussion is that the rich community is debtors of taxpayers and this rich group must take some action and start contributing in economic affairs like every other tax payer does (Haidt, J., 2012).

The minority group that is 1% population of rich groups on Wall Street justified their position by claiming that they have earned and gained this position because they deserved and that they have made sincere efforts to earn that position and amount of ...
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