Occupational Therapy

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Occupational Therapy


Occupational therapy treatment is used to help people in getting independence in all the areas of their lives. Occupational Therapy helps those children who have to face the physical and cognitive challenges and helps them improve their motor skills, sense of accomplishment and self esteem.

The general point of view is that occupational theory is basically for adults only since kids do not really have occupations, but the main job of a kid is learning and playing. It is the occupational therapists who assess the skills of kids for school performance, playing and their daily activities and then compare them with what is considered to be appropriate development in regards to that age group.

The American Occupational Therapy Association says that the occupational therapy does not only deal with the physical well being of a person, but it also addresses social, psychological and environmental factors that may have an effect in functioning of a person in various ways. Because of this Occupational Therapy is considered as a very important part of the health care.

Occupational Therapy


The main aim of occupational therapy is to promote the health of people and their well being, all through their day to day activities. It is a way through which, we can help people achieve as much as is possible and get the most out of life. The job of an occupational therapist is to identify the areas of the lives of people where they are facing problems in their day to day issues. They then help them to work out solutions that are practical. An occupational therapist uses those techniques that help in improving the abilities of someone, or they even go on to change the equipment and the environment of the patient so that the person can regain and enhance his independence.


Who can benefit from occupational therapy?

When a person is experiencing difficulties in performing his everyday tasks, occupational therapy is used. The reason for such difficulties may be some kind of a physical disability for example3 some person who has to be dependent on a wheel chair, or a mental health condition for example, bipolar disorder, or a learning disability, for example someone who is suffering from autistic spectrum disorder, or some medical condition for example, rheumatoid arthritis. People from all ages can make use of the occupational therapy and the occupational therapists can help all the people in identifying their issues in all the aspects of life including their school, home or workplace.

Occupational therapy techniques

When the occupational therapists manage to distinguish what activities are causing issues for the person, they then set out to help them by either recommending them better alternatives and changes for making their activity easier, or by showing them a different manner in which they can easily complete their activity. For example, after someone has been through a hip transplant, it may be a bit difficult for him to get into and out of the bath, so the occupational therapist can suggest grab rails which could be fitted in the bathroom ...
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