Occupational Stress

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Occupational Stress

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Occupational Stress


In the context of the contemporary goal business environment, the modern employees have to contend with highly challenging job descriptions. The fact is that the factors such as globalization and technological advancements have greatly enhanced the roles of the employees and their relevant organizational tasks. As the current business environment has become highly performance based in nature the employees have to manage their own careers and professional developments. In this situation the career of the employee is completely dependent on the amount of hard work and stress he can manage in terms of the organizational commitments. Due to the competition available in this scenario the employees have to ensure that they are able to develop eth adequate skills, and become proactive members of the organizational entity. This procedure is very dynamic and allows the employees to become highly empowered; however it also puts a lot of pressure on the cognitive states of the employees. For certain employees the stress of the occupational environment can become too intense, and as a result their mental functions and stress can be negatively impacted.

In this situation the employees have to consider the negative repercussion of their challenging and demanding occupational responsibilities and ensure that a balance is created in their work life environment. Without this balance the employee would not be able to develop a healthy lifestyle, and as a result his professional performance would also diminish (Koeske et Al, 1993). Contemporary research has highlighted the significant impacts of the mental state of the individual in his personal and professional lifestyle, and a work-life balance is required for a healthy and conducive lifestyle.


Occupational Environment: Stress and Mental State

Stress is the phenomenon which causes an individual's mind to be in a state of exhaustion and high productivity. Similar to other organs and function of the body the path to a healthy lifestyle depends on a stable mental state of a person. The human body has certain ways in which to cope with a stressful environment, and when the brain detects such an activity it causes an appropriate reaction in the body. The blood pressure, mental activity and high level of other body functions are a direct reaction of a stress full environment (Tetrick & LaRocco, 1987). The stress experienced by any individual is a very complex and indirect phenomenon, as it cannot be viewed directly. In the traditional perspective the medical fraternity did not consider the psychological based factors as significant components to health; however recent research has provided an updated opinion. It has been established that stress has a direct impact on the psychological and also the physical well being of an individual. A person who constantly has to live in a very stressful environment would develop serious a long-term medical conditions, which overtime can have serious implications.

Stress & Medical Conditions: Long term Perspective

Hypertension and cardiovascular diseases are a result of a person who undertakes a significant level of stress in a persistent basis. A work place environment ...
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