Occupational Safety

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Occupational Safety

Occupational Safety


Answer 1

It has been noticed that more than 9000 technical, business and government experts from different organization created standards. These members may be seller, manufacturer, industry professionals and government members who come across Australia in order to discuss how a product or system should behave in an occupational environment. The main aim of these debates is to provide safety and hygiene during work. Employees may feel safe at their work places and, because of this protection and safety Australian government has set certain safety standards (Liedel, 1975). The contribution of these people is totally marvelous in establishment of these standards.

AS/NZS 4801 is also the new Australian Standard for occupational health and management systems and, this act is also a part of New Zealand occupational health and safety. This act basically consists of five components of occupational health and safety Management which has to be implemented in business activities in order to consider all occupational health and safety issues which should be managed effectively.

These acts are come in to law by Australian Safety and Compensation Council which is run under a Minister and, Minister allows the conduct of these acts in writing and, these acts are commonly under commonwealth, which always advice on the development of such policies to ensure safety and protection in an occupational and professional environment (Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, 2000). This council acts as an advisory body because; it represents interests of many government officials, employers and employees. In 1999, NOHSC: 10005(1999) was published which include all the list of the classified substances.

It is the task of the Australian Safety and Compensation Council to bypass such codes and conducts of Australian safety in an occupational environment. This council has many powers which are enlisted in subsection 4(1). The basic aim of this council is the declaration of codes and conducts related to health and safety. According to subsection 4(1), this council passes national safety codes and conducts in written. When there is any declaration by this council related to health and safety then, it must be published in Australia so that, all occupational environment start following these codes in their occupational practices.

Answer 2 (a)

Dust is a common term, which is used to describe suspension of particles, which are present in the atmosphere. The dust comes from many numerous sources, such as sea salt, fossil fuels, and many industrial activities. Dust may be found in an occupational environment and, may affect lungs.

Fractions sizes of dust are found different in different areas, such as the dust which consists of totally suspended particles(TSP) include 50µm (micrometers) which, is almost 0.05mm diameter in the size, PM10 includes particles which have 10µm which shows 0.01 mm diameter of size, and PM2.5 which shows 2.5µm and have size of 0.0025mm.

The particle size is important in influencing lungs, and other body parts, and these particles may affect human health in many ways. Dust particles are found to be large, such as 100µm and small such as ...
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