Occupational Health

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Occupational Health

Occupational Health


Occupational Health is the promotion of labor conditions to ensure the highest degree of quality of life at work, protecting the health of workers, promoting the physical well-being, mental and social health, preventing and controlling diseases and injuries by reducing threatening conditions. Occupational health is not just limited to taking care of the physical condition of the worker, as it also deals with the psychological issue. For employers, occupational health support implies the improvement of the employee and the conservation of their ability to work. The most frequent problems of professionals dealing with occupational health are fractures, cuts and sprains from accidents at work, repetitive motion disorders, problems with vision and hearing and the diseases caused by exposure to substances unhygienic or radioactive materials.

Also can encounter stress caused by work or by relations. It should be noted that occupational health is an important issue for governments, which must ensure the well-being of workers and compliance with the scope of work. To do this, always perform periodic inspections to determine the conditions under which they are developed various types of work activities [2]. Very few people know that what is Occupational Health, what your purpose is or what its real function of occupational health. Many just think that is the test that is to be admitted or leaving a company, others see as just a document that must be filed for the case of supervision of the Ministry of Labor. Occupational Health is a requirement that the Ministry of Labor imposed to all companies, in order to observe and protection provided and the quality of life of the workers. But this legislation is not just another cost that companies should tabulate the end of the month.


Occupational Health is an advantage for both the employer and for the employee. By providing employees with a business environment and sound qualified to perform their duties, the company receives an employee who will be more motivated to produce, and his work there will be environmental influences to stop its production. With a clinical specialist in workers' health, it can be seen that the job candidate is in full condition to perform the duties that have, or if after a period of absence the employee is actually able to return to activities, and even check the physical condition of the employee is qualified to perform new functions. It should be at intervals relevant to each function to analyze the health status of each worker, and the end of the partnership between company and employee, check if his health remains the same manner with which he was hired. All these tests are used to monitor the health of workers and to safeguard the company in any legal requests [1]. All employers must carefully observe the physical environment of their facilities, always taking steps to put their employees as far as possible the risks of physical, chemical, biological and ergonomic. To really know what these risks, one should undertake a survey with professionals specialized in ...
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