Occupational Hazards

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Occupational hazards



Preliminary Approach3

Potential Exposure to Hazards4

Initial Evaluation4

Collection of Workplace Information4

Effects of the identified hazards5

Oak Wood Dust5


Hand and Arm Vibration7


Short-term exposure limit8

Measurement of The Identified Hazards9

Measuring the Oak Wood Dust9

Instruments for Air sampling records9

Closed and open face sampler- 47 mm cassette10

IOM Sampler10

Number and types of sample11

Measuring the Noise11

Instruments to Measure Noise11

Sound level meter12

Integrating Sound Level Meter12

Frequency and authenticity of samples13

Measuring the Arm and hand vibrations13

Instruments and working for the Measurement of Vibrations13

Control recommendations15

Control recommendations for Oak wood dust exposure15

Control recommendations for Noise15

Control recommendations for hand and arm vibrations15

Control recommendations for benzene16


Occupational Hazards


Occupational Hygiene refers to the study of factors that affect the human health and their well being, concerning the factors like environment and the impact of the community settings. The occupational hygienists are also referred to as industrial hygienists, holding the prime responsibility of assessing the risk conditions in an industry involving the workers that might be exposed to detrimental health conditions. These are the health care workers that hold the prime responsibility of developing a plan that would ensure maximum safety and quality of human life while working in an organization.

In this document, the importance of an occupational hygienist is explained by taking an industry where the workers are being exposed to some hazardous conditions. The occupational hygienist works to evaluate the possible exposures and hazards and makes interventions and recommendations that are necessary to control and prevent the occurrence of these hazards.


Occupational hygiene refers to the study of factors that affect the health of the individuals in a negative manner. The occupational hygienists are the experts that utilize this study in practice, to assess and evaluate the effect of certain factors on human health, and take necessary measures to avoid their occurrence. The occupational hygienists hold the prime responsibility of ensuring safe and effective measures being taken in all the industries, airline, chemical industries and factories. There are various hazards related to the setting being considered, which can affect the human health and quality of life. The major duty of an occupational hygienist is to assess these hazards by performing surveys and sampling methodologies. In this document, I as an occupational hygienist have chosen wooden furniture factory for my assessment.

Preliminary Approach

In a wooden furniture industry, the wood is continuously being reshaped in the form of convenient and beautiful furniture. However, this industry requires a lot of man power. In the formation of furniture, the wood is processed through different machineries and a lot of workers are involved in the whole process. The cutting of the wood, shaping, and coating involves a whole set of procedures that requires heavy equipment and man power. The wooden furniture industry in which an occupational hygienist was called as an occupational hygienist is a large factory, with more than 200 workers in their factory. After observing the whole situation and conditions of working, the occupational hygienist planned an assessment for the health care of the workers in the factory (IRSST, 2005). Before starting the sampling for the possible hazards, it is essential ...
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