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What is an "occult"?

The word "occult" comes from the Latin "ossultus" and embodies the idea of hidden, secret and mysterious objects. David Hoover, author of "Answering the occult" refers to the three most important characteristics of the occult:

1.Occult has to do with the secret or hidden objects.

2.Occult involves the manipulation and the events that supposedly depend on human possibilities that lie beyond the five senses.

3.The occult is connected with the supernatural, with the presence of angelic or demonic forces. Occultism appears, at least in the following forms: witchcraft, magic, palmistry, fortune-telling, tarot cards, Satanism, spiritualism, madness, the use of crystal balls (Nettesheim, 1993).

Occult Deception

Recognizing the reality of the supernatural, we must not attribute to him all the unexplained phenomena. There are many manifestations of that deck themselves in the garb of the supernatural, but in fact are only knaveries. Those who commit them, cheating makes people believe in their "supernatural" nature. In the excellent book entitled "The Cheaters" Danny Korem and Paul Meyer show a lot of phenomena that are taken for the supernatural. The authors explain the difference between the way truly supernatural and what a hoax is in fact: "What's the difference between the occult and deception phenomena? Occult phenomena - a phenomenon related to the action of supernatural forces and their consequences, and knowing about them. As many believe, exemplifying the occult forces is madness. But this is very visible manifestation of, and behind it the force there. We can see the consequences of obsession, but we can not see the actions of demons. These phenomena seem to be caused by mysterious, supernatural powers, but in fact caused by the physical and mental reasons (Greer, 2003).

Occult Oracles

Hitler and his entourage, most firmly believed in the occult sciences. Since the time of the pharaoh's government and intelligence ...
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