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Organisational Culture and Change Management

Organisational Culture and Change Management

Part- A


The change process encompasses all activities aimed at helping the organization to successfully adopt new attitudes, new technologies, and new ways of doing business. Effective management of change allows the transformation of the strategy, processes, technology, and people to reorient the organization to achieve their goals, maximize their performance, and ensure continuous improvement in an ever changing business environment. A change process occurs very efficiently if everyone is committed to it. Meanwhile, for people to commit, they cannot be "run over" by the process, as something far away from it, because they are not. In truth, change occurs through people. And, to be considered people as part of the process of change is necessary to know their values, their beliefs, their behaviours. Organizations and individuals are included in it are constantly changing. In organizations, some changes occur because of the opportunities that arise, while others are projected. The term development is applied when the change is intentional and planned (Deal, 2008, 45-123).

Change Process

All organizations change but the challenge facing managers and, in general, everyone in the organization is that organizational change occurs in the direction of interest to the objectives of the organization. That is why we talk about managing change, change agents, action for change, and resistance to change, etc. When you want to pursue a process of change must be taken into account that people claim that the new situation will provide the same security as the previous. As the process proceeds without difficulty, the change goes through, but rather problems occur, people tend to quickly return to the previous situation and that is why a large proportion of the change processes fail to be implemented shortly. For a process of change can be implemented successfully and sustained over time is essential to take into account the human factor. People must have confidence, be motivated and trained, and that change is a very hard, both personal and organizational (Ogbonna, 2010, 9-15).

Organizational Change

"Life is dark when no impulse and all urge is blind when there is knowledge and all knowledge is useless when there is no work and all work is routine if there is no change"

The word change has become familiar in the most diverse organizations and has become a protagonist of business activity. Today, the paradigm seems to be "who does not adapt to change will die in the way." There is a consensus that change is a reality that affects strongly, in fact the only thing solid to hold which is possible, it is certain that whatever happens today, has already changed the next day. The general atmosphere that surrounds the organization is in continuous movement and is dynamic, requiring a high capacity to adapt to survive. It must deal with an unstable environment of constant change. Thus, to survive and compete we have to adapt to change quickly and effectively. The changes you make will affect to some extent the relations of power, stability, and ...
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