Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Surgery

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Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Surgery

[Name of the Professor]

[Name of the Subject]

Letter of Transmittal

Dear Professor,

I am submitting this assignment in support of improving the service provided by hospitals especially for the Obstructive Sleep Apnea surgery. The purpose of the assignment is to inform what is lacking behind in the process of surgery and to recommend them how to improve the surgery. The work will take help from the secondary data available on the internet.


Table of Contents

Executive Summary4


Problem Statement5





Executive Summary

The assignment talks about the recommendations which are necessary for improving the process of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea surgery. These recommendations are essential to follow as it will improve the service. Medical is the field where proper care and service got required. One mistake can create a severe problem for the patient. To make the surgery successful, it is important for the patient to go through CPAP treatment. This helps in completely curing the disease. If any cure is left in the middle, it cannot be cured. Thus, it is essential to for the patient to go for the CPAP treatment.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea - Surgery


The new service, which is chosen for making the recommendation is the Surgery of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. It is important know what is obstructive sleep apnea. It is a disorder which makes person stops breathing when is sleeping. The gap between breathing is known as apneas. The meaning of the word apnea is the absence of breath (Phillips, 2004). Obstructive apnea episode is defined as the absence of airflow for at least 10 seconds. This can be cured by a surgery.

Problem Statement

The success rate of the Obstructive Sleep Apnea's surgery is 65%, which sometimes reduces to the 50%. The success rate should be increased, but the success rate of the surgery either remain constant or reduces because of lack of the service provided.


The statistics and the data will be collected from the secondary data. The main resource of collecting information is the secondary data. The researches, which are already taken place are authentic, and it can help in identifying the reasons for the surgery remaining constant. The surgery is not improving, and to identify the reasons behind it, secondary research is the best source.


The success rate for the sleep apnea surgery is higher than 65%, and it sometimes get worse with time, averaging about 50% or even less than that. According to few studies the best treatment for the disease is a surgery. The result of the surgery is poor, but it usually happens when the patient is suffering from other problems as, well. In this case, it is recommended that patients should go for CPAP after their surgery (Surhone, 2010). They need the CPAP treatment after surgery so that they can be cured, and the surgery is successful. The main reason for the surgery not being successful is the complications the patient goes through. These complications are as follows (Kushida, 2007):

Infection is one of the most common and dangerous complication, as one of the studies shows that 40% of ...
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