Objection In Getting An Mba

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Raising and Countering Objections Regarding the Decision to Get an MBA

Raising and Countering Objections Regarding the Decision to Get an MBA

In recent years, a wave of diverse situations has affected people in their daily lives; the United States struggled economically, and its consequences had an impact on every person. In our time, going to a higher education-institution is essential for anyone who wants to succeed in the real world. Of course, there are some exceptions to the rule, but one thing is for certain, the better prepared one is, the better chances one has to achieve and succeed in one's goals. Still, some people are reluctant in obtaining a higher education. Many of these objections raised by people who did not achieve what they were expecting. Some of these objections are valid and were a concern to me before I decided to enroll for a Master`s in Business Administration in a university.

One of the objections found repetitively was “It is futile after a certain age, if you are over 28, do not bother getting one, even if it is from a top school. Moneywise, you are too old to employ your degree enough to increase your earning power” (Hersey, 2010). A valid point to be aware of any person who is labeled as “old.”, this way of thinking is disputable. It is labeling everyone who is trying to acquire an advanced degree. Everyone has different goals in life, and age cannot be a factor in the decision to progress. “People looking to move their career forward, an MBA can be the best asset for future career growth and development” (MBAs.com, 2011); for example, a person working for many years in the same company has the chance to ascend within the organization. One requirement to obtain the position is to have an advanced degree. The person must acquire the required accreditation to advance in his or her career, and age is not a factor in this case. One of the main reasons I decided to get a Master`s in Business Administration is that I want to ascend in my company. To achieve this goal, I need to keep educating and evolving in my respective position; obtaining a higher degree improves my chances to advance in the organization.

Another objection raised to a Master`s in Business Administration was “It is very limiting” (Hersey, 2010), Many have established ...
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