Obi Case Study

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OBI Case Study

OBI Case Study


Human resources of an organization play a vital role in carrying on activities of the organization effectively. The statement of focus for this paper is that “Internationalizing the human resources could greatly enhance the effectiveness of an organization.” The core purpose of this paper is to analyze the study of the internationalization of human resources at OBI and its effects on the organization. A brief discussion on answering some of the significant question emerging from the case study is presented as follows.


How did OBI capitalize on the strengths of its multi-domestic strategy when shifting the structure to a transnational organization?

When OBI aimed to internationalize its business to other countries, the management of the organization observed that core processed of human resources management was not developed in the target countries. For instance, if human resource management processes were developed in those countries, they were not adopted to be taken into practice. So, it was considered very important by the managing director of human resource for the organization that the core recruitment procedures should be implemented to shift their strengths of their domestic strategy to a transnational organization (Briscoe, 2012). The managing director of the organization conducted a meeting with the managers of each country and made them known that the core processes of human resource for effective recruitment should be developed at each country by the organization staff in that country. In this way, OBI did not go for the concept of centralization, but encouraged the managers of each country to develop the core processes of human resource. As a result, the strengths of the domestic strategy of the company will spread internationally and then could be regulated at any organization level.

Why did OBI create “Centers of Competency”?

It has been observed that the organization was aiming to ...