Obesity In America

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Obesity in America


Obesity means having a body mass well above what is desirable or acceptable standards, usually due to an accumulation of body fat. Obesity is a chronic disease of multifactorial origin that is characterized by excessive accumulation of fat or hypertrophy, overall adipose tissue in the body. This means that when the natural energy reserve of humans and other mammals, stored as body fat increases to a point where it is associated with numerous complications such as certain health conditions, or diseases and increased mortality (Woodhouse, pp: 271-286).

Obesity in America

As known to all long, obesity represents one of the most worrying problems of Western societies; specifically in the United States has an alarming character. It is because obesity affects the health of individuals in a direct way. Often, policy makers and public health relegate this issue to focus on other issues. When we talk about education and values, obesity is on the sidelines too often, despite the many problems it causes, including medical expenses resulting from enormous attention for health problems related to obesity. America needs to take seriously this problem, based on a solid education from infancy in habits of life, which should consider regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet, based on the concert of vegetables, fruits and fish. Some habits should also extend to the adult population, and which fall within the responsibility of each individual.

According to government statistics, the obesity rate in America has been stable for about five years, between 2000 and 2008 period. Awareness campaigns and promotion of healthy lifestyles are no doubt responsible. However, according to latest statistics, two thirds of adults and almost one third of children are overweight, no significant improvements. The data tell us that we are one step away from achieving control over the problem of obesity, but we have not reached that tipping point. However, it is not a problem unique to this country. Increasingly in other countries people grow uncontrollably, a process that increases access to food of low quality, with adoption of sedentary lifestyles, just regular, and poor diet. A problem that increases with the habit of going to eat at restaurants often, where you lose control and tend to eat more, and laziness to exercise (Flegal et al, pp: 1723-1727).

Here, we clearly see the importance of motherly presence. This is also because the high-calorie food has an important role in the black and Hispanic culture. Among children 2 to 19 years, 32 percent were too heavy, this is a rate almost unchanged. It is very worrying to note that the boys do not reduce obesity, and rather seem to have gained even more. Because this may reflect a disturbing trend in the future. Sedentary habits, soft drinks, video games, TV, poor quality food, bakery products, inferior food and culinary education, and regular exercise are among the main causes behind obesity and alert us to the need for further work in promoting healthy lifestyles to prevent the spread of obesity.

Currently, the usual problem of advanced societies, ...
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