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Government Role in Reducing Obesity

Government Role in Reducing Obesity


Obesity commonly defined as being 20 percent over the midpoint of one's expected weight range (using the height weight charts) or above 30 on the Body Mass Index. Despite this social pressure to be thin, the increasing number of people suffering from obesity is increasing dramatically. For many families, having a child fat, plump, and full of creases is quite an achievement as it shows a sign that the child is strong and full of health. On the other hand, their perception is wrong as this well being of a child can become a basic factor of obesity.


The causes leading to obesity disease are due to different factors: genetic, socioeconomic, psychological, hormonal, related to development, and reduced activity physical. Previously, considered the person with overweight was in nutritional health, but now we know that obesity has numerous complications, and the most common are: the disease cardiovascular, diabetes mellitus, and cancer (Oliver, 2006).

Obese people are at risk of disease or death increased for any illness, injury or accident. The means of communication and fashion, affect the self esteem of the person suffering from this disease, because the images they broadcast, are images of skinny girls and bulked-up guys, which can reduce a person's ability to develop self-esteem. We cannot fail to mention the influence of parents and society. Some parents spend more time criticizing their children than praising, and people also may be subject to teasing and negative comments, which can sometimes affect a person's image and self body of the recipient (Wolf, 1998, 2S).

Having an attitude and a positive lifestyle healthy (like exercising, eating and proper nutrition), are a perfect combination to develop high self-esteem. The treatment for obesity is very varied. It must begin with a medical evaluation and follow the development of a plan : General psychological therapies, medication to improve anxiety, depression and other disorders, hospitalization and nutritional counseling, but mainly it is the strength of the patient that will help improve your health.


Increasing the number of people with excess body weight takes epidemic proportions worldwide. Why is this happening? The most puzzling problem in obesity - is that this disease (although I do not like the very definition of "disease" as used in people with excess body weight), which takes the dimensions of world catastrophe, by and large, is voluntary. Not always, though conscious, but always voluntary (Smith, 1999, 81).

Just want you to calm and reassure - obesity treated, and treated quite successfully. This confirmed not only my personal experience, but many people cope with this "disease", despite the fact that doctors recognized the impotence of anything to help. Just do not cure obesity medication and a comprehensive review and change their lifestyle and dietary patterns. First to the rapid growth of obesity facing America, or rather that part of what called the United States.

Why the United States?

Primarily because this is a country of emigrants, and there is no established widespread power system, which is a country ...
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