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Obesity is Enormous Dangerous


This study discusses the issues of childhood obesity in our modern society. In this study I will discuss how children are becoming target of this dangerous disease. In the part of literature, I will define obesity and how researchers are taking it in their literary discussions. In this research I will also discuss international trends in obesity and energy problems for children. In the end, a strong conclusion is given to support my arguments.


The increase in childhood obesity over the past several decades, together with the associated health problems and costs, is raising grave concern among health care professionals, policy experts, children's advocates (Lobstein et al. 2003, 1136-1138), and parents. Patricia Anderson and Kristin Butcher document trends in children's obesity and examine the possible underlying causes of the obesity epidemic.

They begin by reviewing research on energy intake, energy expenditure, and "energy balance," noting that children who eat more "empty calories" and expend fewer calories through physical activity are more likely to be obese than other children. Next they ask what has changed in children's environment over the past three decades to upset this energy balance equation. In particular, they examine changes in the food market, in the built environment, in schools and child care settings, and in the role of parents paying attention to the timing of these changes.

Among the changes that affect children's energy intake are the increasing availability of energy-dense, high-calorie foods and drinks through schools. Changes in the family, particularly an increase in dual-career or single-parent working families, may also have increased demand for food away from home or pre-prepared foods. A host of factors have also contributed to reductions in energy expenditure. In particular, children today seem less likely to walk to school and to be traveling more in cars than they were during the early 1970s, perhaps because of changes in the built environment. Finally, children spend more time viewing television and using computers.

Literature Review

This literature discusses how childhood obesity has become a dangerous for our existing generation. As, Taras and Gage (1995, pp.649-52) find no one factor that has led to increases in children's obesity. Rather, many complementary changes have simultaneously increased children's energy intake and decreased their energy expenditure. The challenge in formulating policies to address children's obesity is to learn how best to change the environment that affects children's energy balance. The increase in childhood obesity has gained the full attention of health care professionals, health policy experts, children's advocates, and parents. All are concerned that today's overweight and obese children will turn into tomorrow's overweight and obese adults, destined to suffer from all the health problems and health care costs associated with obesity. In this study, I document trends in children's obesity and examine the underlying causes of the obesity epidemic.

I begin by discussing definitions of overweight and obesity, noting some potential problems. I document trends in adult and childhood obesity, both worldwide and in the United States, over the past three decades, paying particular ...
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