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Table of Contents



The Challenge1

Childhood Obesity2

Body Mass Index2


Bad Eating Habits2





Social presence of the obese4

Obesity Reduction4

Food Intake4

Natural Food4

Physical activities4



Health promotion5

Developing Personal Skills5

Creation Of The Supportive Environment5

Strengthening Community Action5

Delivering Health Policy5

Reorient The Health Services6

Obesity and Ethics6

The Problem6

Ethics And Prevention Of Obesity6

Ethics And The Public Health7

Ethics And The Information7

Ethics And The Society7

Ethics And Cost Effectiveness7

Ponder Highlights8





Obesity is a condition of the human body in which excessive fat and abnormal mass is accumulates in the adipose tissue (Cawood, et.al, 2010, Pp. 1-25). The major glaring problem is the weight gain and fat bodies masses in the body. Moreover, obesity and overweight are the risk factors which welcome many chronic diseases such as diabetes, cholesterol, cancer, heart problems, joints ache. It was assumed that obesity is the problem seen in the developed countries; however, it is the issue which has catered the low income countries as well. Someone who is obese has extensively fatter in his or her body then the one who is healthy, and thus, he is more exposed to the diseases.

However, it is treatable, and many countries are establishing programs in order to address this attack. Moreover, obesity if not prevented is a major cause of death. Not a single person, but the whole society is impacted by its affects. The economies and the societies, the culture and the structure, everything suffers its presence. However, the affects, and the consequences of obesity as the health promotional issue are going to be highlighted. Obesity is a global health problem which is affecting every region of the world (www.who.int, 2012, Pp. 1-9).


The Challenge

The most common and the most neglected chronic disease of today's world is the obesity, a major public health problem (Hyman, 2002, Pp. 20-26). Previously, the world was suffering from the under nutrition and the diseases because of the scanty food supply, but now, the world is paradoxically suffering from obesity. If the government does not take proper and immediate action, many people will suffer from an assortment of the critical health issues (www.publications.parliament.uk, 2004, Pp. 19-86).

Obesity is a thorny issue; an issue which is emerging because of the collection of many different issues (www. hpi.georgetown.edu, 2002, Pp. 8-19). However, psychological and social dimensions accelerate obesity in the people, and the person of every age group can be its victim (Cawood, et.al, 2010, Pp. 1-25). The proportion of the obese has doubled in the past few months, and it has spread from the developed societies to the underdeveloped areas. Those nations around the world, particularly those that are of the third-world origin, are in a condition of combating obesity, but in order for complete recovery, there is still a long-way to go (Lyon, et.al, 2012, Pp. 25-160).

While many doctors and individuals have reported conditions and serious injury to the human system due to the presence of obesity, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to avoid the problems that are associated with obesity (Dixey, 2012, Pp. 150-210). These days, in the modern world of rapid development, growth and ...
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