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'Obamacare' is the nickname given to 'The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act', in the United States of America passed by the 111th U.S. Congress and signed by President Barack Obama on the 30th of March 2010 (Steven, p. n.d). This paper focuses on presenting a study and analysis of the Obamacare.


Adoption Process and Protest Parliamentary Law and Legal

However, once elected president, Obama was forced to make concessions to his bill through Congress. The 7 November 2009, almost eleven months after his inauguration and despite a comfortable majority in the House of Representatives, he won narrowly, by 220 votes against 215, the adoption of a reform of the health system. One Republican, Joseph Cao had then voted for reform. After a long debate and multiple amendments, the Senate passed the bill on 30 December 2009 by 60 votes against 39, all Democrats and independents voted "for", while voted "against" Republicans. Finally, after many adventures, the 21 March 2010, despite unfavorable opinion polls, a polarization exacerbated the political class and American citizens, a mast presidential popularity symbolized by the victory of a Republican in the Massachusetts successor to Ted Kennedy and the reluctance of some of the elected Democrats, the text passed by the Senate was adopted as the House of Representatives by 219 votes against 212 (178 Republicans and 34 Democrats) (Steven, p. n.d).

After the elections and Senate in November 2010, marked by the rise of the Tea Party, most likely to the right of the Republican Party, a proposal to repeal the law was submitted to Congress, but rejected by the Democratic majority. Thus, in February 2011, the Senate voted against the repeal of the 51 votes against 47, all Democrats supporting the legislation while Republicans opposed it. Republicans lost the parliamentary level, the battle against the law continued in legal. More than twenty cases have been filed challenging the constitutionality of the law; two federal judges have welcomed these complaints in Florida and Virginia. One of the stops opposed to the law challenged the constitutionality of the compulsory insurance system introduced by the new law to balance the obligation to insure that private insurers are bound, which no longer have the right records or refuse to increase registration fees disproportionately because of the health of the client. The Supreme Court will ultimately decide the dispute charged, the outcome is likely to depend on the position of Justice Anthony Kennedy (Paul, p. n.d). The decision of the Supreme Court finally falls Thursday, June 28, 2012, and to the surprise of Republicans, reform of health insurance is approved.

The Main Provisions of the Law

Qualified historical text, which received no opposition voices (a historic first for this kind of legislation), ensures health coverage to 32 million Americans who lack it. It remains well below the Barack Obama campaign promises because it does not include, in particular, universal public nor public insurance and leave 5% of U.S. residents (23 million people) without health coverage (against 15% before the reform). Under the adopted text, most ...
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