In March 2010, Congress passed the healthcare bill which President Obama signed into law of Affordable Health Care, which regulates a comprehensive health system reform, and promised to generate rules to make insurance companies more accountable. It lower health costs, ensuring more care options and improve the quality of health care for all Americans. It also allows greater access to insurance to owners and employees of small businesses through a tax credit to provide coverage, and in 2014, it will be providing tax credits to those who need help in buying insurance. However, in this paper, we have to discuss the fact that by imposing taxes on the health coverage, does it make healthcare higher for taxpayers or lower?
Against most predictions, the U.S. Supreme Court has spoken favorably regarding the constitutionality of the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act", better known as "Obama care."
The above health care reform - workhorse of the Democratic president - establishing a compulsory insurance cover for medical expenses of all U.S. citizens (immigrants excluded) by 2014. In fact, every American will have the obligation to buy individual health coverage from an insurance, which can no longer reject people with chronic conditions or arbitrarily withdraw the bill. Employers will have to succumb to the same obligation towards their employees, while, simultaneously, we are witnessing a widening of the base covered by Federal health care program, i.e., Medicaid (all households whose total annual income is below $ 30,000 are covered in it).
Since 2010 (year of promulgation of the law), there have been controversial debate. Several U.S. states (26 of 50) had in fact been opened a long series of disputes in an attempt to "sterilize”. The scope of the measure, theorizing that the federal government has the power to "regulate commerce penalizing inaction" (i.e., by penalizing those who pay a fine not to choose a health insurance) (Mahar, 2010).
The fact is that the reform is expected that some citizens can pay the penalties for not having signed the medical insurance can be reasonably considered as a charge. The Constitution allows such taxes, and forbid them not in our competence. In many areas, there has hailed this decision as a victory of Barack Obama against the Republicans (which for all these years have consistently beaten the button on alleged unconstitutionality of the law in question), who did not, of course, lost the ...