Nutrobalance Ultramax Project

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Nutrobalance Ultramax Project

Nutrobalance Ultramax Project

Project Management Organization

Generally, it is the mission and future vision of the organnization which makes it different from the others. Therefore general management and aspects of project manager are quite different from each other, wheras in general terms it is the nature which is the main point of differenctiation. One of the main charactersistic of the project management organiztion is that it ends with the end of the project. The PMI institute defines the concept of project managet as:

''The art of directing and co-ordinating activities is basically meeting up and bridging the gap. Project maangement is the set of techniques used in order to minimize as well as, to maintain and restrict cost i.e. timely delivery of products. Project management is the main ingrediant not only to satisfy the customer but to delight them.

In comparison with each other both the fields are more or less simialr to each other. In responce of the similarisites they are different from each other in many ways. Most of the reaseachers and experienced gururs of management are on the view that, gereal management is an adoption from project management.

Schematically framework of project management can be examined through the given picture. Strategically computer programs and softwares play the most integral role in manageing a project. Figure -1 indicates the major sources which becomes the base of managing a project (Cleland, 2006).

Especially, in the business of construction the techniiques of project management can be visibly projected. In order to maintain and maange the costs as well as, to deliver the project on timely basis a set of techniques needs to be implemented. The foundation of a strong business is shouldered by the pillars of commitement and to ensure that commitmenet proeject management techniques would change the whole picture. In the whole process of managing a project there would arise some conflicts related to the adjustement of time, cost varioation etc. it is the need of the hour to resolve the conflicts through win win approach in order to manage the overall project affairs (Dobson, 2003). In the construction industry the domain of Project management includes the following imporatant points.

Effective planning of the project and its specified objectives along with the scope i.e.e budgeting, timing, cost calculation and estimation, critical path analysis.

Utilization of all the avaialable resources in a manner to extract the maximum benefits i.e. all Land and labor are utilizized in the best of grooming the project revenues.

Techniques are implemented in a manner that they increse the co-ordination betwenn all the major milestones of that project so that all work together to achive a single objective.

Conflict resolution through effective communication between all the layers.

Project Planning And Control

Planning is the basic function of the management. Planning is concerned with 'how and when' to achieve the predetermined objectives. Planning sets all other functions of management viz. organizing, staffing, directing, motivating, coordinating etc.The main objectives of planning are listed below:



Scheduling resources

Co-ordination and control

Production of data

"With the plan as a road ...